DWQA QuestionsCategory: Healing ModalitiesWhat criteria would be useful to consider in deciding about the wisdom of receiving a blood transfusion?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
We understand that humans by nature, faced with the possibility of death, will overwhelmingly grasp at any possible salvation, even if there are risks or major liabilities. This is done all the time with many radical surgical and chemotherapy treatments that have serious consequences and can degrade the quality of life substantially. Most people facing death will choose to have an impaired life in order to keep going even a little while longer. We understand this, but as we said before, this is a faulty human perspective, not a divine one. The divine being will gladly choose to return to the light given an opportunity handed to them in this way, where the choice, in effect, is being made by their physical circumstances. Of course, there are many situations where duty and obligation to others will be an overriding consideration, for example, when the patient is a parent, or a spouse, and others depend on them. There will be natural reluctance and there will be compelling karmic reasons for them to honor their responsibilities and delay their exit. In terms of the exit point represented by a catastrophic blood loss, we can tell you that there are always others, so it is not the case that exit points must be honored. They are opportunities and can be bypassed to keep things going if progress is being made and there is need for extended time within the current incarnation to complete life plans and so forth. What we would suggest, is that blood transfusions be avoided when they are not truly lifesaving but are only a convenient way to speed restoration of normal blood content. The consequence for many of not doing so would be lack of strength and stamina for a time until they can rebuild their normal complement of blood cells on their own. Many medical treatments are administered that may not be truly essential, but are an adjunct and often done because they can be, and there is a desire to be of service and a help. And of course, everyone with busy lives wants to return to normal function as quickly as they can. Knowing there are true trade-offs here will be useful, to factor this in when making choices for such medical treatment. The soul connections are a real phenomenon and the links to the akashic record are the way they are orchestrated. This is largely via the DNA but will be present for the duration that the molecules transferred from the donor into the recipient are still present in the body. There is an exchange that does happen over long periods of time, and through metabolism, the process of excretion of waste products will eventually eliminate the foreign matter and its energy, but this will take a long period of time.