DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlWhere did the idea of having governments come from? Was that solely due to societal evolution following a natural inevitable path, or were there sinister influences involved?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
There is a natural division among people of leaders and followers inherent with varying soul characteristics as well as individual circumstances conferred by events, stages in life of maturation, past experience, acquired expertise, as well as other attributes that set one apart from another—stature and physique, intelligence, attractiveness, having a commanding personality, charisma, and so forth. The primary attribute of leadership is a soul characteristic to be a force for good and a change agent, both. This gives the impetus to speak out and do so with force and conviction. It is often the one who can hold the higher ground in argument who is seen as possessing wisdom and people will defer to them and seek them out as council. They are often drafted into leadership if they themselves do not volunteer. The advent of governmental bodies of large size to control the reins of power over many thousands of individuals, and more, is a consequence of advancing civilization, at least advancing through aggregate numbers if not through enlightenment. As originally configured, the human population was scattered into small clusters, primarily family groupings and extended families more so than strangers coming together and forming a community. That did happen when groups of families ended up more crowded together by virtue of being in prime locations in demand by many seeking the same quality of life. But for the most part, in a large world, there was ample room for all, and people did not wish to be in close proximity to strangers and naturally kept a respectful distance. So they might be neighbors but were not intimately involved with one another except in times of need or casual encounters when they might exchange pleasantries and share their thoughts. The need for government came from the need for the interlopers to have control of things and they trained and shaped humans to take on this role to serve as their surrogates as overseers of other humans. So the formalization of many laws and rules one needed to live by was imposed by the hidden overseers among the interlopers patterning this after their own civilizations which are all hierarchies of power and control and subjugation of the lower orders. This they imposed on humans, as it is all they know and all they respect, and they know it can work to keep things orderly. It also creates a concentration of power in the hands of a few to facilitate making things happen and to be able to work the levers of power, and cause things to go wrong at times, and to foment hatreds and eventually armed conflict. The more control one has, the more the power to manipulate people to do things they would never do on their own, and that is the whole point, not only having control but the ability to manipulate readily. That is the great evil here in all that has happened to create the network of power that links things together, and even in a collaborative way, when all see this as normal and even independent nations will subjugate themselves to the needs of a regional power authority agreed to by treaty that can truly govern on a massive scale. There is great danger in this because it is through such means that the cabal regulates and constricts the future possibilities for humanity. You are in the weakening phase at the moment, and the division phase, the conquer phase, will come next.