DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolWill this simpler Protocol version be effective when used by practitioners who are not very intuitive and don’t need to ask for details during their witnessing?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
This will be highly effective and will work just fine. We have indicated to you directly and you have been teaching your students all along, they do not need to be psychic to use this Protocol as prayers are always heard and whether they are acted on or not is not dependent on the one who makes the prayer hearing an answer directly on the spot about the divine plan. So students can feel quite confident that their prayer requests will be heard and acted on. This is not a stretch, it is only the poor track record overall throughout history that has tarnished the prayer process in making it seem like it is a faint hope, at best, to be helpful. You have already described the reasons why this is so to your students—that the faith and confidence of people, in general, has declined through the ages and continues to be attacked relentlessly by critics and skeptics who wish to throw out religion entirely along with all spiritual practice as being superstitious nonsense, and have no qualms about denying others the possibility of receiving a divine intervention. So it happens less and less as people become disenchanted, their fear grows, their skepticism grows. And the lack of support and reinforcement through each new generation of parents leaves the new generation unprepared to do a spiritual outreach even though they are coming into life with a better intuitive apparatus onboard than ever before. There is a great irony here—that the generation of humans with the greatest intuitive reach to appreciate communications from the divine realm is the least supported culturally to make such an outreach or have any expectation of the possibility of a divine interaction that has any potential validity or benefit. This is the virtue in doing your outreach to spread the word about the reality of the Divine and the possibility to achieve divine support in a purposeful and planful way.