DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessYou have told us much about the negative thought forms people ingest from food whose living source was subjected to harsh treatment of some kind. But are there any positive influences to human wellbeing from the consciousness of happy plants and animals we consume as food?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
There is a very complex interplay of residual consciousness in foodstuffs. It is both positive and negative for reasons you have been told and asked about, and additional things you are only now pondering, which is a kind of beginning level exploration, given that living in a physical domain is inherently a kind of competition because each life form depends on the environment and will be very much restricted or benefitted by abundance of sources of energy and the constituents of life itself to reproduce its kind. So the fact organisms are not complete within themselves but need nutrients from outside sources, this creates a competitive striving to beat out the competition, so to speak, and you see this with plants, for example, where encroachment by too many weeds may choke off crops that have beneficial properties for human consumption but simply cannot coexist if there are more aggressive and invasive plants that move in. There is also ongoing warfare exuded in the form of chemicals by some plants to actively prevent growth of neighboring plants too close to them and this extends to the influence of consciousness as well. The chemical warfare is but an extension of the self-protection which is also a part of the consciousness and is a natural aspect of organisms wanting to thrive and prevail and, if threatened in any way through encroachment or manipulation, will resist, and that may cause an attack of negative thought forms. So any plants harvested to be used in the food chain will have accumulated many negative thoughts but there are positive ones as well. This is essentially equivalent to the joy of living, that people experience the exhilaration of being alive and sensing the beauty of a new day and what is happening around them, especially when out in nature and enjoying the sunshine and feeling a breeze and smelling the fresh air, and maybe the enticing smells of nature like the aftermath of a spring shower or the scent of flowering bushes, and that energy of Gaia when in a growth spurt. It is a joyous upswelling of consciousness on the march and people will perceive that as a subtext and experience it as an upliftment that is much greater than presumed to simply be, looking out at nature and seeing its beauty. It is an intuitive appreciation of the consciousness it consists of, and reflects, and projects outward to all who can sense it. That feeling of joyousness will be imparted to the makeup of the organism itself because it will be contained in cellular memory, cellular consciousness and perception that is creating a kind of energetic signature. So a plant that is harvested will contain consciousness within emanating the joy of life captured much like a snapshot. It is an accumulation of thought forms of a positive nature and the same will be true of animal flesh provided the animals have a reasonable environment to grow and enjoy a good portion of their time from being well-fed, having access to fresh air and sunshine, and are not overly stressed. There will still be an accumulation of positive thought forms even if their last days are darkened by a trip to the slaughterhouse where they are forced into unnatural surroundings, being loaded on trucks or rail transport cars and herded together more closely for long periods of time and confined in unnatural close quarters, and so forth. This is part of nature’s way and Creator’s plan, to imbue love within everything in Gaia, and this is of benefit universally to all organisms living through the ingestion of other organisms. It is a sharing of divine love as a part of that transfer of energy. It is much more than the materialist level of atoms and molecules of certain configurations that may help sustain life through the chemistry and the essentials needed to keep things going energetically. So this is a routine experiencing and there are special examples as well, some of whom you have probed where there is a special overlay through an active agenda to be of service in this way to other creatures.