DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialUnfulfilled, unrequited, and often ineffable soul yearnings can be immensely painful and even debilitating. Can Creator share how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can be used to clear the obstacles to fulfillment, intimacy, and contentment, by truly equipping the individual with tools they can easily and productively use to remodel and rejuvenate their interior experience?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
It is very important that people realize that you are here to learn and grow in the experiencing and utilization of love as a purpose for existence and for your soul journey as a whole. When your life is unsatisfying, unfulfilled, and more about yearnings and disappointments than joys and happiness there are things in the way that need to be addressed. Almost always this is because of inner corruption through the negative effects of trauma, being wounded by life, and not having a way to fix it. This worsens things and can create a chronic state of depletion and inadequacy, leading to many kinds of failed opportunities that only compound the damage. This will be seen by the Law of Karma as a kind of transgression against the self because you have an obligation for the care and feeding of your soul, and when this fails to happen it will count against you, and the Law of Karma will see that a similar set of circumstances will arise again in the next life, if not the current one, to provide an opportunity, as a life lesson, to surmount the prior difficulties and heal the traumatic consequences. If that fails to happen, the karmic baggage will grow heavier. You will not escape but continue to face greater and greater penalties from being unaware of the healing needs and the imperative of addressing them, once and for all, to get out from under this overhang of negativity that will continue to haunt you indefinitely. You are all walking wounded. The answer is using Empowered Prayer to enlist divine assistance and form a partnership with the divine to work in a purposeful way towards clearing the backlog of unhealed trauma. The first objective, more readily obtainable through Empowered Prayer, is to not compound the damage by adding new difficulties on top of the old. It is often fresh trauma that reopens old wounds and gets the old karma rumbling to make things worse, so your past is like a series of landmines created by each experience of difficulty, suffering, and loss. The stored negative emotion will be triggered by a new setback, and then it will be off to the races with unhappiness growing until a solution is found to bring healing to bear. This is what the Lightworker Healing Protocol is designed to help with because it is a series of high-level requests for divine help for any and all sources of negativity that can befall a human being, and mirror prior karmic injury, and take care of both the new and the old difficulties and allow a complete and thorough healing to drain away the negativity and leave you on a higher plateau as a springboard for more likely success and happiness from your efforts. This is what healing is for, to make your soul journey go more easily and fruitfully, and certainly more lovingly, both for you and those you interact with. With that as the goal, it is easier to see where the defects lie, where the gaps are in your life needing to be filled, and this will suggest things to focus on and cultivate to more likely bring a reward to make up for the shortfall. You will learn by doing, to do this better and more effectively, with each renewed attempt to right the wrongs of the past. Having a highly refined tool like the Lightworker Healing Protocol, implemented through a divine partnership on your behalf, is the ideal way to progress more efficiently and rapidly so you have a chance to make something of your life, in the here and now, that will also translate into future lives that are more effective and rewarding. The sooner you start, the better things will get, and the sooner this will come about. You must take the initiative. We cannot do it for you because we must follow your lead. Using these sophisticated tools to form a divine partnership, with an agenda to serve you and your soul's growth, is the smartest and best thing you can do with your efforts because it will pay many dividends carrying you into a better future you yourself will create with divine help. That is how it is done. It cannot truly happen any other way. There are no shortcuts. While miracles can happen, they are not commonplace and will be in service to short-term goals and needs that might be a dramatic turnaround in something, but there will still be a mountain of unhealed karma you will have to contend with eventually. This is why you are never done with life and why there is always a need for more. Part of that need, that restlessness, that yearning, is a desire to escape from the quagmire you have been trapped in for many, many lifetimes. So it is not just returning to a light being mode that is underlying these yearnings, but finding a way to fix the inner disquiet from the rumblings of unhealed karma, not all of which are perceived consciously but will stir emotions to the negative and are a liability all the way along, especially because they are ill-defined and impossible to fully reckon with any other way. There is no pill you can take for karma. You need divine healing help to solve the biggest dilemmas you face. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will benefit. We are waiting to help you and you can always count on this.