Is the Secret Space Program a Myth or Fact?

You may have heard about the Secret Space Program (SSP) countless times. At Get Wisdom, we frequently discuss it to help people develop a nuanced understanding of how humanity is under attack. In this blog, we’ll cover the basics for new members: is the Secret Space Program a myth or fact? Moreover, what does it entail? Let’s continue reading.

1. The Reality of the SSP

The SSP is indeed real, not fictional. It’s used by the interlopers to control and manipulate humanity. Once an individual becomes a part of the SSP, they become vulnerable to future manipulations and significant karmic damage. They want to detach themselves from the interlopers because there is an inner awareness and feeling that something is wrong with the association.

According to Creator, “No one can be considered a free agent unless they receive divine help with healing and extra divine oversight and protection, given the level of power the extraterrestrials have to manipulate people and to rein them in to make them vulnerable to subjugation and even inflict much punishment if there is resistance.

So this is never good to be on their roster. Healing can help to wean them away from involvement with the interlopers who will eventually lose interest in them, and that is the successful achievement possible here given enough time, but the work must be started in earnest through the Lightworker Healing Protocol.

The ideal would be to have some subconscious channeling sessions as well to do trauma repair and some of the inner belief adjustment to make her less vulnerable to the manipulations, so that would be the ideal sequence.”

2. Who’s Vulnerable to Becoming a Member of the SSP?

Humanity in general is vulnerable. This is why prayer work is extremely important, more so than any other healing modality. We recommend doing your research, finding a qualified LHP practitioner, and starting the healing process slowly but surely. Over time, you’ll gain protection. As people gain more insight into programs like the SSP and other negative alliances, they understand how to protect themselves and seek help if they think they’re under attack.

Recommended: More on the Secret Space Program

3. Getting Started with Get Wisdom

Want to find out more about the Secret Space Program? At Get Wisdom, we share new insights with our audience every week. Keep an eye out for our blogs, podcasts, channeling interviews, and Q&A sessions.

By offering online spiritual healing, we’re committed to helping you heal your karmic wounds and spirit attachments. Find out more about our Lightworker Healing Protocol (LHP) sessions. You can opt for a personal clearing, animal clearing, or house clearing. You can also use our LHP sessions to help departed ones reach heaven.

We routinely share more information about a range of topics like benevolent extraterrestrials, divinely inspired messengers, healing modalities, human clones, interdimensional activity, karma, metaphysics, non-local consciousness, and more. Let’s become enlightened. It all starts here.

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GetWisdom—Divine Inspiration for Humanity

If you were asked to explain “Divine Inspiration” what would you say? Does a biblical story come to mind? Do you see Moses at a burning bush? Or, do you imagine a voice telling you to build a boat and fill in with animals, like Noah did?

At GetWisdom, we can tell you that it can happen bit by bit, over many years and many places. It can start with a childhood interest that becomes the mission of a lifetime. This is truly confirmed by meeting others with traits and interests that also fit the mission. In this case, we have the story of Karl, Denny and Brian.

"Just a Guy" with Divine Inspiration

Karl will tell you that he is just a guy. However, this guy has an unusual story. It starts with Karl, as a boy, reading the stories of Donald Keyhoe about spacecraft and aliens. Thus begins an acceptance of the unconventional, an intuitive knowing about what is real. Karl begins developing the traits that will drive him all of his life. Working at a hospital lab after school, he studies studies forensic pathology books in his spare time. Knowing the science exists 

Alien Visitors

to completely analyze the assassination of JFK, he waits eagerly for the result. Shock and disappointment set in when the investigation fails to provide an adequate answer for this tragedy. He is witness to the weak and incomplete investigation by authorities and realizes that the systems we rely on are not working. Could it be divine inspiration that prompts a teenage boy to recognize what others do not?

His interest in health and healing grows and he is driven to become a scientist. Careful methods and observation guide his research into new medicines. Karl devotes many years of his life to remedies for many illnesses. Then, disappointed that the industry does not match his interest in finding solutions, he retires. What if your entire career was devoted to healing people and you lost faith in the accepted system?

He asks himself: “Is the healthcare system broken? Does it do what we expect it to do?”

Maybe there's another way ...


Of course, Karl with his interest in helping people, won’t let himself rest. At that point, he turns to an alternative approach to healing in hopes of finding better answers. Karl trains in hypnosis to explore the impact of the subconscious on stress and physical illness. Years of dedicated study bring new revelations about causes of, not only illness, but societal problems as well. When you are shown surprising answers from surprising sources, what would you do? Would you accept this as divine inspiration or chalk it up to coincidence?

Now, if you are Karl Mollison, you could simply continue to study and offer new healing methods. Of course, if you are an intuitive like Karl, you see more than just some surprising successes. You can see the causes. If you are a scientist like Karl, you can’t help but record statistics for what you see. When you are shown the impact of karma, interlopers, and dark spirits on physical health, what would YOU do? What else but divine inspiration would draw a scientist into the metaphysical world?

The guy who cannot rest learns more about reality

As Karl’s intuitive ability opens up, connecting with archangels and then Creator of All That Is becomes routine. Through his endless curiosity, he asks and is shown, some true causes of illness and some unexpected findings. He learns to make requests of the divine realm to heal the source of difficulties. He knows himself, not as the healer, but as the requester. When he makes detailed requests, he sees some amazing results for his clients. What might someone else do—raise his prices, limit his hours, and buy a new car? 

Ah, but divine inspiration doesn’t stop there. Karl’s meticulous studentship and endless curiosity, over years of inquiry, serve to show him the current state of humanity and its potential future. Karl sees that some of the dark pests that infect clients have also infected society. He learns that these parasites have been on Earth for more than a hundred thousand years. Blaming themselves for all the failings they see, humans have given up on themselves and God. Not knowing their existence is at stake, humans need God more than ever. Source Creator, as Karl calls God, has not given up on humanity. Humans need Creator as a partner if they are going to prevail.

Meanwhile, far away in California

benjamin-shanks-333252-unsplash-VW van-cropped-850x800

Who would have thought that, at the same time, Denny was developing his interests and traits driven by his own divine inspiration?

Denny’s youth was not too different than the typical kid of the 70s and 80s. Knowing himself to be invincible, as young people do, he dabbled in drugs and alcohol. Ultimately, he got his degree and settled into what many would see as the perfect job with all the benefits. Someone else may have been content with his life. But, some unseen force poured “cold water” on his beliefs and everything he thought he knew.

Denny became a seeker, trying to understand what was wrong with the world. He looked in all the usual places—in the Bible, and in many books on history, economics and geopolitics. He studied alternate religious groups and the possibility of less dependence on government. Was he being guided to scrutinize the usual systems and question their validity?

What comes next for Denny?

And so, the search continued as Denny tried many things on for size to see what would fit. Denny became a Christian, looking for answers in religion, and later, in politics. All the while, he read and studied, and read some more. While Karl was studying new healing therapies, Denny turned his focus to aliens, secret space programs, metaphysics, and all the related celebrities. His interests made him an avid reader, and endless researcher. Each step bringing more personal growth and discovery.

Student behind a pile of books

At the same time, as his awareness expanded, Denny was dealing with discomfort in his body that he self-medicated with alcohol. His search for help led him to Karl, where he found relief from an entity attachment. Another alternative healer was able to explain the influence Denny’s past lives were having on his present one. The recurring theme of Denny’s lives had been to revise the systems found in governments, religions or similar rigid institutions. He had suffered for his efforts.

Denny asks himself: “Is the government system broken? Does it do what we expect it to do?”


With the intention to look more closely at the organizations that we think we can count on, Denny launches his You Tube channel. Not long after “Why is This True?” is born, Denny introduces Karl on WITT. Do you think this was a coincidence or could it be divine inspiration?

And along comes Brian

No surprise, there was a third person out in the world struck by divine inspiration, developing the traits and interests needed in his mission—Brian!

Like Karl and Denny, Brian is a relentless student. Successful in conventional pursuits as an attorney, and a computer programmer, Brian was still drawn to delve deeply into alternative subjects. In his case, it was all things psychological, paranormal, and metaphysical. In addition, he had always known that he was here to do something important for humanity. He knew he was a “walk-in”, he remembered how and when it happened. Like Denny, this was not Brian’s first time trying to save humanity, and had also paid a high price in past lives. Brian was in the Towers on 9/11 and lived to speak of it, surely divine intervention was involved for him on that day.

Law and Programming Merge

Getting "On Mission"

Brian knew, when he saw Denny and Karl on “Why is This True?” videos that Karl’s work needed to reach the world. Living surprisingly close to Karl, Brian attended the first Lightworker Healing Protocol class. Brian had been trained in hypnosis like Karl, and had performed various paranormal explorations, as well as past life regressions. So, in the metaphysical sense, he was already part of the choir. One of his apparent traits, especially suited to this task, was certainty.

It was Brian who knew this team must come together. Karl was a bit skeptical about Brian, but when he asked Creator, both Brian and the project got the green light. It soon became apparent that these three men had a shared divine destiny. This was confirmed when Brian shared with the others that he knew he would need the domain name someday. It was a strong feeling that never wavered. In1992, he registered the and kept it paid up and reserved since then. Who could dispute the divine wisdom in that?

And of course, Brian asks himself “Is the WHOLE system broken? Does nothing do what we expect it to do?” He knows that any time there is needless suffering on the part of ANY being, (not just human) the system is broken. The question has always been “What can we do to fix it?”

A wholehearted undertaking

three guys divine inspiration

Clearly, there has been divine orchestration to bring these three men together in this GetWisdom project, but what exactly is the project? First of all, the project is for people whose minds are open and who are not afraid to listen. Secondly, the project will present some unpleasant revelations to consider. Most importantly, we share real solutions you can put into action, now.

If you have made it this far, you may actually have an open mind, good for you! Do you know that everyone on the Earth at this time is here for a reason whether they know it or not? Some may never wake up enough to take on the task they set for themselves entering this incarnation. Our part is to observe what is happening all around us, and question whether we are witnessing the actions of a loving Creator. Then, we delve into understanding the history and the origins of the many hardships that confront and suppress humanity. Finally, we must share with you what we have learned and how we, as humanity, can change our future for the better.

Making the changes that are necessary will involve helping humanity to understand its true beginnings. It will surprise you to know that you are not powerless.  It may surprise you even more to know that you have a powerful partner in Creator waiting for you to do your part. You have far more power than you realize.

This will not be easy, but it is not impossible. GetWisdom will help you see the failures in human society. We will help you recognize the failures for what they truly are. In addition, we will call attention to the undeniable fact that we have no time to waste.

brass clock

This will not be easy, but it is not impossible. GetWisdom will help you see the failures in human society. We will help you recognize the failures for what they truly are. In addition, we will call attention to the undeniable fact that we have no time to waste.

Will you join us in this divinely inspired mission?

We are here to help open-minded wisdom seekers connect with their own divine  inspiration and purpose for this lifetime. The GetWisdom web page subtitle says “Working to Save and Heal Humanity.” That means us, and that also means you. We cannot do this without you, and Creator cannot do this without you. You are that important to the survival of humanity!

Creator has talked about needing enough human intention in order to intervene successfully in human affairs. But it seems we’re being asked to fill a swimming pool one cup of water, or one prayer, at a time, without even being able to see the progress we are making. Is there any way we can trade the cup for a bucket, or the bucket for a hose?

This is wisdom in action and addressing the plight of most individuals who think of themselves as separate and alone, not realizing they have many friends in the light who are cheering them on and wanting desperately for things to work out for humanity across the board. We have taught you ways to leverage prayer requests for them to be much more effective so that intentions are launched not only asking for something you want to have happen but instructing the divine in how to amplify the request and magnify the outcome with respect to having a greater degree or a more frequent or a more rapid resolution of a problem. The many discussions we have given you that are included in your eBook on Prayer Empowerment discuss these in some detail and why they work. For example, simply launching a prayer and asking the divine to implement that prayer request over and over as frequently as possible is a way to maximize what can happen in responding to your request.

Prayers are mostly weak in their intentions because they are vague and open-ended with little definition of what is needed and in the absence, in most cases, of an understanding of why the dilemma exists in the first place, and in an almost total ignorance of how the divine realm carries out assistance and healing for people. This puts the individual launching the prayer intention at a great disadvantage, so we suggested, and you have added this to all of our recommended prayers, to have them enacted each and every day, and what this means is: “If you pray daily, you are covered, but if you are busy or you forget on some days, the divine has been instructed previously to work on answering the prayer requests each and every day and will, in fact, do so.”

There is no limit to what you can request; there is a limit to how far your prayer will reach because it is still based on your spiritual capital, so to speak, how much energy of intention you can muster compared to the size of the problem you seek help for. One person cannot pray for the entire world effectively because one person does not have sufficient intention to mount a monumental divine effort. The best that can be done is to take the small individual amount of intention and spread it among billions of recipients, so the benefit of such a prayer is meager and in practical terms “effectively useless.” This is because prayer is a function of intention which is an energy and is operating as an energy, so there is an energetic equation governing cause and effect, starting with its origin, with the conscious intention of the person praying going out to the divine realm and that intention being acted on and implemented for the intended purpose—that power of intention only has so much reach. In many cases, prayers can only help when many people pray for the same thing, and the individual intentions can be pooled together by divine realm.

If you have a chronic illness and you pray once for God to heal you, there can be some healing brought to bear but only the one time, when in fact it is likely to be the case your need for healing, even with divine assistance, represents a long-term proposition needing attention over days to weeks, to months or even years to undo the karmic underpinnings and restore an inner equilibrium in the system so that symptoms will subside. So what is needed is greater understanding of the metaphysics of a human interaction with the divine and the rules of engagement and how to work the levers to have things done with maximum intensity, with the maximum divine energy to be applied at the maximum frequency and for the maximum duration. This you have all worked out within the Lightworker Healing Protocol to make it both a comprehensive and an extremely powerful tool designed to work in perpetuity to achieve its aims.

A practitioner asks: “There is an Australian energy healer who appears to be having objectively significant outcomes, both short and very long term, for his clients. What is going on here, is this divine healing, are the outcomes genuine and can others develop this skill?”

This is simply a person who is adept in recruiting divine help to accomplish healing. This he does because he is a conduit for divine love and maintains no filter to restrict things. This is a gift but a gift all possess when young and untainted by the negativity of the human culture. He simply has maintained this pure focus and this enables him to be a change agent for the light in a dramatic way.

He, in fact, has many limitations through not fully understanding the operation of the divine, and how they heal, and the nature of the problems people face, and how to request help in an elegant fashion as is done by practitioners of the Lightworker Healing Protocol. But even with the highly refined tool of the Protocol at one’s disposal, the level of effectiveness will still be governed by the practitioner and all they bring to the task from the human side in terms of their personal makeup, their belief quotient, their openness to divine outreach and response, and their expectations in terms of the results that can be achieved. There are many subtle factors with regard to their belief system that will govern the effectiveness of a session and many ways through which the work can be constrained. That is the difference here—this healer simply is wide open to possibility and has strong faith and belief that miracles can happen each and every time. That is a rare quality these days, particularly on the part of the science-minded, who view everything with skepticism and suspicion, and expect limited results because they have become so conditioned to feeling weak.

This is the learning curve all practitioners of the Lightworker Healing Protocol must navigate. Many will rise only so far in terms of what is possible and that is because of the all too human qualities they bring to the work because of their conditioning. This is why personal healing of the practitioners themselves becomes so important, because their effectiveness will be governed by how thorough and effective their own healing has progressed.

This is not a reason to delay doing work, because all work when using the Protocol has benefits to the self as much as the client, which builds in this advantage, so we are not wanting to discourage anyone from doing the work, only pointing out where the weaknesses lie for your edification. So that is the distinction between what this healer does, even with limited advanced knowledge of metaphysics, and the Lightworker Healing Protocol practitioner, who has laid out for them many elegant descriptions of the metaphysical complexities in the workings of energy, and the workings of karma, and the psychology of the varied levels of the mind and how they interact with one another and with the divine realm.

A student asks: “Is there anything sinister behind the commercial DNA testing services?” Is there misuse of submitted samples to track and identify people to target by the Extraterrestrial Alliance?

There is no direct involvement with any of these outfits and the Extraterrestrial Alliance. Keep in mind that the Extraterrestrial Alliance is routinely collecting everyone born, to track them and to analyze their DNA to see what has changed, compared to previous go-rounds on file for that soul. This is the quest of the alien Greys to understand what it takes to come back, and why the differences have occurred in the DNA sequence. And this is why the quest will be fruitless because they do not understand the metaphysics—that the workings of karma always play a role in configuring the DNA complement with each new incarnation. And that does not conform to the prior lifetime but will be dependent on the new life plan, to follow up on what has happened, and perhaps in lifetimes prior to that. So it is a bit more complicated than even they appreciate. So there is nothing to be concerned about here that one might be falling into a trap by submitting a sample. It is the intuitive awareness of the sinister plans underway to do DNA analyses, for ulterior motives, and then manipulate the DNA accordingly by the Extraterrestrial Alliance that is creating this suspicion, but it is simply that. It is a carryover from the concern about the alien agenda.

Who or what enforces karma?

This is not a mindless force of nature, but it is a force of nature to be sure. It is a force of great power but also great intelligence because it is designed to use information as a means and conveyance of the energy in question. So it is a redirection of energy that takes place across time and can track everything at once and see energy is directed where it needs to go, to render a consequence and readjust and rebalance old wounds and the mistakes of the past. To accomplish this requires precision and an ability to be controlled in a purposeful, logical, and precise way, without error. This is why it is designed to work automatically, so as to remove the possibility of human error, or the error of other beings that may be involved in a particular situation. You know the consequences of human error from experience. It is hardly a match for the laws of physics with respect to their precision, and reliability, and their reproducibility, as well. They can be relied on to repeat the same response over and over and over with an exactitude far exceeding human capability.

The Law of Karma is exactly like this because it is a law of physics and metaphysics as well, because it includes much additional information to define the purpose of energy and the information needed to carry out the rebalancing required when the universe is perturbed in some way. Many things that befall humans, especially when they seem to be a perfect comeuppance, when perpetrator suffers the same fate, are attributed to divine intervention, an act of retribution by an angry God meting out justice to the evildoer—this is always an incorrect assumption because it is not what Creator does. Creator’s role is to forgive the perpetrator when it is appropriate to do so, to at times step in and redirect things through healing that would otherwise cascade again and again, back and forth, with acts of negativity and then a backlash that triggers another act of negativity, in an almost unending sequence. This can happen when things are left almost entirely to human choice. But that is because of the need for greater learning. This is the task at hand—to grow through enlightenment to better understand the divine path and how to follow the divine way and avoid the trap of karma by creating a negative consequence that will undermine the self inevitably. In this way, the application of justice is built in. It may take an extended period of time for this to play out, but eventually is certain that at some point all will be replaced, repaid, and accounted for, where the punishment will truly fit the crime.



Get-Wisdom—Divine Inspiration for Humanity 

What does Divine Inspiration mean to you?

When someone asks you to explain “Divine Inspiration” what do you say? Does a biblical story come to mind? Do you see Moses at a burning bush? Or, do you imagine a voice telling you to build a boat and fill it with animals, like Noah did?

At GetWisdom, we can tell you that it can happen bit by bit, over many years and many places. It can start with a childhood interest that lasts a lifetime. And, it can be the topics you are drawn to pursue. For some reason, you can’t get enough of an issue, you read it, you study it, you store it in your mind. You develop traits in yourself that are in support of this divine inspiration without knowing it. At some point, the pieces all come together—the interests and the traits crystallize into a mission.

This is then confirmed by meeting others with traits and interests that also fit the mission. In this case, we have the story of Karl, Denny and Brian.

“Just a Guy” with Divine Inspiration

Karl will tell you that he is just a guy. However, this guy has an unusual story. It starts with Karl, as a boy, reading the stories of Donald Keyhoe about spacecraft and aliens. Thus begins an acceptance of the unconventional, an intuitive knowing about what is real. Karl begins developing the traits that will drive him all of his life. Working at a hospital lab after school, he studies forensic pathology books in his spare time. Knowing the science exists to completely analyze the assassination of JFK, he waits eagerly for the result. Shock and  disappointment set in when the investigation fails to provide an adequate answer for this tragedy. He is witness to the weak and incomplete investigation by authorities and realizes that the systems we rely on are not working.  Could it be divine inspiration that prompts a teenage boy to recognize what others do not?

His interest in health and healing grows and drives him to become a scientist. Careful methods and observation guide his research into new medicines. Karl devotes many years of his life to remedies for many illnesses. Then, disappointed that the industry does not match his interest in finding solutions, he retires. What if your entire career was devoted to healing people and you lost faith in the accepted system?

He asks himself “Is the healthcare system broken? Does it do what we expect it to do?”

Maybe there’s another way …

Of course, Karl with his interest in helping people, won’t let himself rest. At that point, he turns to an alternative approach to healing in hopes of finding better answers. Karl trains in hypnosis to explore the impact of the subconscious on stress and physical illness. Years of dedicated study bring new revelations about causes of, not only illness, but societal problems as well. When you are shown surprising answers from surprising sources, what would you do? Would you accept this as divine inspiration or chalk it up to coincidence?

Now, if you are Karl Mollison, you could simply continue to study and offer new healing methods. Of course, if you are an intuitive like Karl, you see more than just some surprising successes. You can see the dark causes. If you are a scientist like Karl, you can’t help but record statistics for what you see. When you are shown the impact of karma, interlopers, and dark spirits on physical health, what would YOU do? What else but divine inspiration would draw a scientist into the metaphysical world?

The guy who cannot rest learns more about reality

As Karl’s intuitive ability opens up, connecting with archangels and then Creator of All That Is becomes routine. Through his endless curiosity, he asks and is shown, some true causes of illness and some unexpected findings. He learns to make requests of the divine realm to heal the source of difficulties. He knows himself, not as the healer, but as the requester. When he makes specific demands, he sees some amazing results for his clients. What might someone else do—raise his prices, limit his hours, and buy a new car?

Ah, but divine inspiration doesn’t stop there. Karl’s meticulous studentship and endless curiosity, over years of inquiry, serve to show him the current state of humanity and its potential future. Karl sees that some of the dark pests that infect clients have also infected society. He learns that these parasites have been on Earth for more than a hundred thousand years. They have altered humans and damaged the paradise that was their home. Blaming themselves for all the failings they see, humans have given up on themselves and God. Not knowing their existence is at stake, humans need God more than ever. Source Creator, as Karl calls God, has not given up on humanity. Humans need Creator as a partner if they are going to prevail.

Learn more about Karl button

Meanwhile, far away in California

Who would have thought that, at the same time, Denny was developing his interests and traits driven by his own divine inspiration.

Denny’s youth was not too different from any typical kid of the 70s and 80s. Knowing himself to be invincible, as young people do, he dabbled in drugs and alcohol. Ultimately, he got his degree and settled into what many would see as the perfect job with all the benefits. Someone else may have been content with his life. But, some unseen force poured “cold water” on his beliefs and everything he thought he knew. Denny became a seeker, trying to understand what was wrong with the world. He looked in all the usual places—in the Bible, and in many books on history, economics and geopolitics. He studied alternative religious groups and the possibility of less dependence on government. Was he being guided to scrutinize the usual systems and question their validity?

What comes next for Denny?

And so, the search continued as Denny tried many things on for size to see what would fit. Denny became a Christian, looking for answers in religion, and later, in politics. All the while, he read and studied, and read some more. While Karl was studying new healing therapies, Denny turned his focus to aliens, secret space programs, metaphysics, and all the related celebrities. His interests made him an avid reader, and endless researcher. Each step bringing more personal growth and discovery.

At the same time, as his awareness expanded, Denny was dealing with discomfort in his body that he self-medicated with alcohol. His search for help led him to Karl, where he found relief from an entity attachment. Another alternative healer was able to explain the influence Denny’s past lives were having on his present one. The recurring theme of Denny’s lives had been to revise the systems found in governments, religions or similar rigid institutions. He had suffered for his efforts.

Denny asks himself “Is the government system broken? Does it do what we expect it to do?”

With the intention to look more closely at the organizations that we think we can count on, Denny launches his You Tube channel. Not long after “Why is This True?” is born, Denny introduces Karl on WITT. Do you think this was a coincidence or could it be divine inspiration?

Learn more about Denny button

 And along comes Brian!

No surprise, there was a third person out in the world struck by divine inspiration, developing the traits and interests needed in his mission—Brian!

Like Karl and Denny, Brian is a relentless student. Acheiving success in conventional pursuits as an attorney, and a computer programmer might be enough for someone else. Yet, Brian delved deeply into alternative subjects. In his case, it was all things psychological, paranormal, and metaphysical. In addition, he had always known that he was here to do something important for humanity. He knew he was a “walk-in”, he remembered how and when it happened. Like Denny, this was not Brian’s first time trying to save humanity, and had also paid a high price in past lives. Brian was in the Towers on 9/11 and lived to speak of it, surely divine intervention was involved for him on that day.

Getting “On mission”

Brian knew, when he saw Denny and Karl on “Why is This True?” videos that Karl’s work needed to reach the world. Living surprisingly close to Karl, Brian attended the first Lightworker Healing Protocol class. Brian had been trained in hypnosis like Karl, and had performed various paranormal explorations, as well as past life regressions. So, in the metaphysical sense, he was already part of the choir. One of his apparent traits, especially suited to this task, was certainty.

It was Brian who knew this team must come together. Karl was a bit skeptical about Brian, but when he asked Creator, both Brian and the project got the green light. It soon became apparent that these three men had a shared divine destiny. This was confirmed when Brian shared with the others that he knew he would need the domain name someday. It was a strong feeling that never wavered. In1992, he registered the and kept it paid up and reserved since then. Who could dispute the divine wisdom in that?

And of course, Brian asks himself “Is the WHOLE system broken? Does nothing do what we expect it to do?” Knowing that any time there is needless suffering on the part of ANY being, (not just human) he sees the system as broken. His question has always been “What can we do to fix it??”

Learn more about Brian button

A wholehearted undertaking

Clearly, there has been divine orchestration to bring these three men together in this GetWisdom project, but what exactly is the project? First of all, the project is for people whose minds are open and who are not afraid to listen. Secondly, the project will present some unpleasant revelations to consider. Most importantly, we share real solutions for putting into action, now.

If you have made it this far, you may actually have an open mind, good for you! Do you know that everyone on the Earth at this time is here for a reason whether they know it or not? Some may never wake up enough to take on the task they set for themselves entering this incarnation. Our part is to observe what is happening all around us, and question whether we are witnessing the actions of a loving Creator. Then, we delve into understanding the history and the origins of the many hardships that confront and suppress humanity. Finally, we must share with you what we have learned and how we, as humanity, can change our future for the better.

Making the changes that are necessary will involve helping humanity to understand its true beginnings. It will surprise you to know that you are not powerless.  It may surprise you even more to know that you have a powerful partner in Creator waiting for you to do your part. You have far more power than you realize.

This will not be easy, but it is not impossible. GetWisdom will help you see the failures in human society. We will help you recognize the failures for what they truly are. In addition, we will call attention to the undeniable fact that we have no time to waste.

Will you join us in this divinely inspired mission?

We are here to help open-minded wisdom seekers connect with their own divine  inspiration and purpose for this lifetime. The GetWisdom web page subtitle says “Working to Save and Heal Humanity.” That means us, and that also means you. We cannot do this without you, and Creator cannot do this without you. You are that important to the survival of humanity!