DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingA channeler asks: “I have a question regarding the deep subconscious. You have described it, I think, as ‘primitive,’ and when focusing on memories from the akashic records, not able to distinguish past from present, etc. My experience is that when asked to give a new message to the younger parts, and especially a new belief at the end, often a great deal of wisdom and eloquence comes through that is very inspiring and uplifting, each time quite unique and particular to the person. Is that also coming from the deep subconscious, or does Creator have a part in that?”
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is a perceptive observation. What is taking place is not that Creator is supplying a replacement belief unilaterally, but there is an interplay within the client via the higher self to present an offering of a suggested improvement in the outlook in the form of a belief that is the opposite of the original negative self-limiting one held within the deep subconscious mind of the client. In most cases, because the healing has been applied as a final step in the resolution of a trauma event giving rise to the negative beliefs in question, there will be an opening allowing divine light to come in and this will be felt by the client and the client’s mind as a form of relief and upliftment. So when a new belief that reverses the outlook is offered via the higher self taking advantage of this window of opportunity, it will likely be embraced in total and that is all that needs to happen to allow the divine realm to cement this in place and install the belief within the being. So that explains why it is so lofty, it is indeed coming from the divine realm and not the human‑level mind of the client. This is in keeping with the rules of engagement concerning free will, so it is not decided by Creator and then applied, it is presented to the client’s mind as a thought, an offering of a possibility, and if the client’s deep subconscious recognizes the benefits, by virtue of having received sufficient healing for what was in the way of such a belief in the first place and then embraces and wants it to be so, that is what the divine needs from the human side as a free will gesture of interest and ownership in making that choice—the divine can take it from there and see this is installed in the belief system of the client.