DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlA client asks: “Yesterday I got another rejection from another job interview. I really liked this opportunity. This made on top of everything my situation worse, it seems that emotions and nerves affect me right now more strongly than ever. I feel all this craziness in the world with every fiber of my being and don’t know what to do with it.” Was this due to targeting?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Unfortunately, this is the case, that there was some manipulation of the individuals involved in making the decision here about employment. This simply can’t be helped many times because there are free will considerations even by those being manipulated. It is the interlopers who need to be reined in, and that can be a tall order because there is often a group of beings involved who will take turns doing various kinds of manipulations and perturbations of the targeted individual. So the only alternative is to keep going as best you can to stay ahead of things and understand that sometimes things will simply fall through and not work out through no fault of your own, and is simply an inconvenience you will have to put up with for the time being until healing is further along. We are working earnestly on your behalf to hasten the day when you are free of outside interference.