DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human Lost Soul SpiritsA client called me about her issue of being sexually stimulated against her will by an entity. She also has experiences of being stalked, and having her phone and computer hacked. What is causing these events, and are they interrelated?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Unfortunately, these events are interrelated. As you were fearing, she is being targeted by the Extraterrestrial Alliance and so there are multiple levels of interference, perturbation, and manipulation going on in her life. They have indeed sent the dark spirit her way to manipulate her. This is a lost soul human spirit that has become an incubus, as it was a sexual predator in multiple lifetimes as a karmic predisposition, and having become earthbound following the latest transition is being aided and abetted by alien spirit collusion to turn this into a kind of weapon to prey on hapless victims. Particularly those with religious or spiritual beliefs, because it will be felt as not only an intrusion but a kind of stain on their soul that might compromise their standing with the divine and their future in the hereafter. This will require a concerted effort and time to bring about relief, but she came to the right place because you are up to the task. As you know, deep problems of this kind are not easily resolved, nor quickly, but you can make a good beginning and eventually free her from this nightmare.