DWQA QuestionsCategory: High Level Psychic Attacks, CursesA great deal of witchcraft and belief in witchcraft revolved around agriculture. One particularly interesting belief was the notion that witches could steal a cow’s milk with the use of a towel. The story goes that the witch would hang a towel on a rack, kneed and squeeze a corner of the towel as if it was a teat, and draw milk out of the towel and into a waiting bucket as if it was the cow itself. This was suspected when farmers would suddenly and unexpectedly have “dry cows.” Is there ANY truth to these stories? What is the real backstory?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
The true origin of the stories associated with unproductive dairy cows is that livestock can, in fact, be targeted through psychic attacks via witchcraft to harm them, to induce illness, and reduce things like milk production and weight gain just as witchcraft can be used to harm a person physically, mentally, and emotionally. The stories that "dry cows" happened because a witch is magically transferring the milk from the cow, through something like a towel, and collecting it in a bucket were simply to add an explanation and seeming validity to the accusations, that witchcraft was behind the plight of farmers seeing milk production plummet, when the real reason was an energetic phenomenon disrupting the energetics of the animal's makeup and resulting in abnormal physiologic functioning. There are many adverse physical phenomena that can be produced in living things, using psychic energy, because everything has consciousness. So a malevolent individual, who uses their psychic ability like a weapon, can impinge on a target and cause an energetic disruption and disarray, and any number of things might happen as a consequence, even physical objects like electrical appliances and plumbing can be damaged through consciousness applied in the right way. There are many dark spirits who can bring such things about, and those dark spirits are often entrained, enticed to serve a dark purpose through psychic manipulation, by someone adept in witchcraft. That demonic spirit or lost soul human spirit trapped in an earthbound state that is of a low vibration, often a criminal, in effect, can be manipulated and given marching orders to cause harm with someone that practitioner wishes to target, and this will be carried out and can become a quite severe situation, and be quite confounding to the victim and authorities who might be brought in, assuming a physical criminal of some kind has intruded and damaged things. But, of course, a culprit will never be found because the culprit is truly invisible and being commanded by dark psychic intentions.