DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyA number of disadvantaged immigrant groups assimilate into US culture successfully. Is the persistent problem of disrupted families due to absent fathers, crime, drug use, and homelessness in black communities caused by the karma of cultural subjugation through slavery, or is there a more sinister direct manipulation to undermine blacks through subconscious programming by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to greatly worsen their plight?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is a brilliant insight and is very much the case. In a sense, the extraterrestrials themselves are the biggest racists. They are seeing the blacks because of their difficult karmic history and having the most to overcome as a result of the subjugation and suppression of their people for so long during the slave years, as well as all the problems of the African population historically, because of the endless tribal warfare and practice of slavery among the African nations, as being a group of human beings particularly vulnerable and hold them in even greater disdain because of their vulnerable status. It is the depravity of the extraterrestrials that they love kicking people when they are down, and so there are dual benefits in picking on the blacks to receive extra punishment and manipulation. They not only enjoy further tormenting these unfortunate victims, but know also that it perpetuates the struggle among the races, because of all the karmic history with white dominance through the slaveholders causing a direct involvement with human subjugation of the black families who were preyed on to be workers for so long a period. This fits perfectly in their strategy of divide and conquer, where they work to create divisions among factions of people through whatever differences can be exploited, in this case, racial as well as some cultural differences with respect to ways of living, levels of affluence, and so on, which tend to cause a stratification in society separating people by level of affluence, and other factors. All such points of friction cause difficulties that drag down the human community and cause much individual suffering on a large scale, from the many personal woundings that happen through misunderstandings, active suspicion, fear, and also bias, as well as frank racial prejudice held by many because of cultural conditioning, as well as their personal karmic history. So just to add insult to injury, people of color, especially the blacks, are singled out for extra punishment by the Extraterrestrial Alliance because, in effect, it acts as a surrogate for white domination and subjugation. So even though the white population is no longer actively oppressing blacks, they are being actively oppressed by the Extraterrestrial Alliance, and that keeps the karma going, especially by the victims who have no one else to point to in looking for explanations why they are downtrodden and unable to make headway in society because they keep hitting obstacles. When, in fact, it is not white recalcitrance, an unwillingness to cooperate and be equitable in sharing access to the means to get ahead, it is the Extraterrestrial Alliance confounding their thinking, manipulating their beliefs, and ramping up their vulnerabilities to make them more fragile and prone to being out of alignment and more likely to seek solace in alcohol, drug use, and avoiding the burdens of responsibility—as in forming a stable family because of inner fears of their capabilities and having an inner frantic desire to be unencumbered, to be free even from the entanglements of having dependents in the form of spouses and children. This is a direct pathological consequence of the subjugation that has gone on for so long and has left its mark.