DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner writes: “[I had an] energetic healing experience I want to share with you. I used the Lightworker Healing Protocol to do a spiritual healing for “TIME” this morning. At the end of the session, I felt strong, wavy-like waves of energy, moving from right to left, through my head, my body; the entire room. I got up and walked to a mirror. I felt different, like there was “more of me” looking back at me in the reflection. I felt “charged up,” similar to that feeling you get when you do something of high moral character for someone else; an act of kindness. I felt GREAT. A high-frequency, audible emotion (I really don’t know how else to describe it) stayed with me long after the session. Something’s different. Something feels different. Better. Higher. I went to the kitchen sink to fill a pitcher with water for the coffee maker. This is going to sound crazy but here goes: The water looks different – thicker – more meaningful. I’m mesmerized by it. I’m standing there looking at the water. I put my palm on the side of the pitcher. The water reacts. The counter is perfectly still. My hand is still. I could feel the energy passing from my hand to the water. (See the attached video link.) I feel like if I were to really try, I might get the water to dance. What happened was from leftover energy from the LHP I had just wrapped up. What has happened over here?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This energy is an attunement of the life force energy flowing through you that you are projecting outward. This is a state of higher divine awareness and experiencing. You are, in effect, a conductor of divine love while you are engaged in the dialogue with Creator and in doing the Protocol, you are building up the energies and increasing their intensity with the many requests and their wide reach and lofty intentions and the large audience of recipients involved all contributing as aspects of a huge demand for divine love. As you are the human requester, you are creating the healing circuit and are involved in the delivery, so this large amount of divine love you are calling forth passes through you. This is why you felt so energized, so alive, so phenomenal, because you are literally bathed in Creator’s love energy for a time in conveying it outward to the vast reaches of your intentions for all to be raised up through an all-encompassing outreach galaxy-wide. This is what you were feeling and seeing demonstrated in the reaction of water to the proximity of your hand. We have talked before about the palms being an energy gateway to the external environment. So the energy conveyed by you in doing divine healing or prayer work will flow through you and from the palms. This is why putting the palms together for prayer work helps attune you to Creator because it acts as a capturing mechanism like an antenna to direct energy within and maintain it as a circuit to better sense its presence and experience its energy more acutely. This is the best way to hear a reply from the divine. After all, once a prayer is launched in your thoughts, it has been heard. What many want is to have a sense of having their prayer received and some sense of this coming from the divine. So putting the palms together will increase and hold within the energy more fully to better discern a divine response when the intuitive reach is weak. Eventually the hands will part, and so if the hands are held together during a Lightworker Healing Protocol session, this will greatly increase the energy build-up within the person but that is not necessary as the purpose for the energy is to convey it to others as well. You will always be in the line of fire, so to speak, to receive any blessings. You need not worry about having a lesser experience and sharing it more immediately. It may also allow greater energy to flow so as to not overload the system for individuals with greater than normal sensitivity. The conveying of energy will take time and may well continue beyond the end of the Protocol per se in making the request, and the reason is the aims are so vast and the targeting so broad, much must happen still involving the practitioner to have such a large request be answered and all the energy flow through you to get the job done. This is why you are able to see what appeared to be an after effect but was, in reality, a continuation of the work extending beyond your making the requests and allowing time for witnessing them personally. This is normal and will not be perceived by most individuals, and is not harmful but a beautiful demonstration of the reality of divine love.