DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerA student asks if, like the interlopers, we can take advantage of mass meditations for the planet by asking before they start: “Source Creator, for the highest and best good of all concerned, please use the combined loving energy and intention for human betterment of this mass meditation to lift up all beings in earth plane.”
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This will not work as intended. The reason being, you are not an interloper with a technological reach capable of speaking to the subconscious minds of all participants and misdirecting them by directly talking with this part of their mind to misguide and alter their thinking in a desired direction. This is non-divine. While the intention is a lofty one to capitalize on the human energy and desire for a better world, one cannot simply co‑opt the thoughts of others and apply one’s own intention to their efforts and assume this will be carried out by the divine realm to make it happen. This is, in effect, a not too dissimilar co-opting of the free will of the participants, even though it is for a lofty goal. It is overreaching the human boundaries and is more akin to a broad-based prayer for humanity being a lofty ideal, but ineffective because no human has a sufficient reach to speak for all and to affect the entire planet with their intentions, even if it is for the good of all and truly divine in orientation and alignment. This is simply an energetic reality, not a question of the character or divine assessment of an individual’s ranking or worth. It is simply that in human form, humans are limited and as long as they are in the physical, their voice and intuitive reach will be muted, and while their desires are always heard and acted on in some fashion, they alone cannot move mountains, so to speak. That being said, a request can be made to have an outreach done to those participating—to have the divine realm engage with those who are in divine alignment, to extend in whatever way may be possible for them individually, to use their thoughts in the highest and best way. And this can be an in‑between step that will not override their intention but will extend its reach a bit further than they may be contemplating consciously in thinking of the exercise as simply their desire for helping the planet, and not inviting the divine realm in particular to the occasion. If they are a believer and want to be partnering with the Divine to any extent, we can use prior requests for divine assistance made in a general way to extend to the new point in time with the participation and the mass meditation as falling under the umbrella of the prior outreach. And in that fashion, gain some extra mileage for them to deploy their prayer request in service to a broader mission for humanity. But that will always be shaped in a very specific way to each individual’s energies and so a general statement will be reinterpreted many different ways—some having a tiny effect, some having a greater effect, depending on their closeness to the Divine and their strength of inner focus and divine alignment. So while this is a help, it is far short of what would happen if all were believers and requesting in unison to have what you truly see as being needed—the raising up of all hearts, including the interlopers, to help them see the folly of their ways and to stand down. That will take much more work to awaken those asleep and to further encourage non-believers and those on the fence to reawaken their spiritual side and cultivate belief once again. That will be the ultimate answer sufficient to the size of the task at hand here.