DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlA viewer asks: “What is the divine perspective of the “letter from an armed neighbor” posted in Las Vegas Emergency: ‘Antifa coming to the burbs’. This event had casualties: A young police officer is paralyzed from the neck down after being shot in the head. Another one died from a similar assassin’s bullet. Was this an accurate description?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is an honest and accurate first-person account of service on the part of the peacekeepers to help stabilize things in a troubled community and save the people from themselves. As we have told you, the reason people are demonstrating as well as rioting is that everyone is being manipulated through mind control to protest and to riot. When people can be pushed to such extremes of conduct, this serves the darkness and that is the purpose. Both continuing the protests as well as the rioting will serve to keep passions running high and instill ever greater fear among people of color, that they continue to be opposed by a powerful foe, that white people are truly against them and filled with a systemic racism that will make it difficult, if not impossible, for there to ever be fairness and will make them feel uncomfortable being out and about encountering white people and having to deal with them. This is an age-old problem and all such racial conflicts, periodic riots, and demonstrations keep the game going to convince people racism is not only real but a serious evil and a scourge that needs to be stamped out even at the expense of some innocent people who get caught up in the conflagration. The cause is seen to justify the means. As is always the case, "Two wrongs do not make a right." People are becoming racist by believing in racism. That is the sad consequence of the propaganda being instilled in people’s minds. It is all an evil and an exaggeration, but once the beliefs have been inculcated in people’s minds, they will be unable to believe otherwise. That is the nature of belief, it becomes the marching orders, the inner instruction set that governs what people think, feel, and do. They cannot go against their own inner beliefs even if they are faulty and from a sinister origin implanted in them by nefarious means. The damage is done and they are, in effect, tainted by their inner poison brought to them by the interlopers working on them below their conscious awareness, at first to plant the seeds, and then whipping up passion in the populace and the media to fan the flames and worsen things. This serves as confirmation as well as an additional powerful source of aggravation to increase unhappiness about the state of affairs, and that will encourage all kinds of bad behavior in people who are increasingly frustrated and needing an outlet for their emotions, and will go looking for someone to blame for that is what they are being told to do. It is a kind of witch hunt that harms everyone it touches.