DWQA QuestionsCategory: Healing ModalitiesA viewer asks: “While doing healing work through HMR there is a step of reframing memories by clients to return to perpetrators the negativity they created at some point or another in their life; some clients place their perpetrators in fire, kill them, or blow them up, etc. How is this affecting the perpetrators energetically in the subconscious mind? We were told that we are not hurting anyone in the subconscious mind as long the energy is released; however, don’t these negative thoughts, actions, and energy go into the collective unconscious?” Is it EVER appropriate to invite a person to choose harmful imagery to settle an old grievance, even though it’s occurring as a personal exercise within their own mind?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
As you know quite well, thoughts are things, and once given birth to them, will cause them to persist, and they can influence the thinker originating them, and can also go out to the point of focus of the thoughts if there is strong energy of emotion involved, and will constitute a type of psychic attack directly by impinging on the person being thought about in a dark way. This will also go into the collective unconscious as well as the akashic records and will add to the repository of negative energy with the name of the individual targeted attached to it. This creates a liability indeed for the other person. It is not a benign action. It may not have a profound negative consequence, but it will have a negative consequence and it is the launching of a kind of active war, and this can escalate if it is perceived and acted on as an attack, which it truly represents. It might be done to right a wrong, but as the saying goes you have heard and used many times, “two wrongs do not make a right.” That is the case here. It is best to avoid all such ideas and indulging in imagery that causes harm in any way to anyone. So we would make the statement categorically to never engage in such a practice, not only can it go out and impinge on a person energetically through circulating into the repositories of consciousness and then reaching that former perpetrator to be an active perpetration from the victim, it will return again to the victim as a karmic obligation. This is the consequence of all negativity created by human beings—it will harm them and may harm them doubly, so this is a naïve assumption that it is an innocent exercise that is only a kind of fantasy. While this can appeal to some people who think on a very literal, basic human level that people deserve punishment when they commit a sin, so to speak, this is not the divine perspective in how to handle misdeeds. It is simply non‑divine to seek retribution or vengeance of any kind. People who harm another are to be pitied and to be compassionately respected and supported to facilitate healing for them. This is the ultimate answer in dealing with a perpetrator because if they are healed and supported in that undertaking by their victims, this is the most certain way to make it happen, and that act of healing for these perpetrators guarantees healing for the victim because karmically they will not be off the hook, so to speak, until their victims are healed and this will likely happen first, so in effect, directing healing to one’s perpetrator is the fastest route to self-healing. This is counterintuitive, but it is the divine way and how to be on the divine path, even in small things. The consequences of negative thoughts of this kind will likely be modest, but this does not make them acceptable in terms of an energetic exchange when viewed from the standpoint of divine perspective and the consequences of karma that will be set in motion. There may be circumstances where a person is in a fragile state and one more negative thing will tip them over the edge. This will certainly increase the karmic fallout, and so why risk further punishment from a perpetrator by engaging in idle acts of seeking a kind of settling of accounts through putting them through experiencing their own medicine, and using this as the means to let oneself be released from stored negativity about the damage done by the perpetrator in an original trauma episode? There are many other ways to dispose of negative energies that are a part of the process officially that would be better choices. So this avenue need not be reinforced or encouraged and, in fact, a strong desire by the client to seek revenge in some way deserves healing in its own right, and could be the subject of additional probing and resolution work because it will likely tune into resentments, and grudges, and other negative experiencing and beliefs related to them that could be very productively improved through resolving those episodes and their interconnections. So this is not a natural way to handle negativity, but rather the symptom of an additional aspect of the problem not being dealt with yet if the person has a strong desire to resort to such a resolution strategy.