DWQA QuestionsCategory: Channeling PitfallsA viewer writes: “A young woman named Akiane Kramarik (akiane.com) is a self-taught painter and says that Jesus spoke to her when she was four years old, encouraging her to draw and paint her visions. She began to draw at the age of four, was painting at six, and began to write poetry at seven. At the age of 8 years old, Akiane painted Jesus. Her first completed self-portrait sold for US$10,000. Also, when she was 5-1/2 years old, she says she was physically taken to heaven, and was missing from her home for 6 hours, while police combed her neighborhood searching for her. She says she saw everything that was going on in the neighborhood from above, and that she was split into millions of selves, who saw many dimensions, places, and galaxies, which inspired her to draw and paint much more. I shared the video (https://youtu.be/pT8BAhxfw1w) of Akiane describing her work, with my wife last night. She asked me if Akiane was truly inspired by the Divine, or was being duped by the Darkness, as I had said that the channeler of the book about Jesus was. Regarding that channeler, I had told my wife that the Divine can’t lead, but only respond to our requests, so that was a tip-off for me about the book that something might be amiss when that author said she started getting messages coming to her from out of the blue. But it sounds like Akiane gets visions unasked for as well, and was even taken to heaven without asking. What actually happened to Akiane when she was supposedly taken to heaven? Was that an extraterrestrial abduction or something else?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
The difference here is in the messenger. Akiane was receiving information and messages from her higher self and, indeed, that is allowed and is, in fact, routine. All human beings receive communication from their higher self. This is normally perceived as one’s own thoughts or an inner notion, an idea that suddenly pops into one’s mind, and then considered, may then be acted on without any realization it is coming from elsewhere. The fact this might lead to something quite profound, such as a spiritual awakening or an opening to a revelation of some kind that is life-changing, does not diminish the possibility and the reality of such things when they do in fact happen. And in her case, this included an out-of-body experience that was as reported, when she visited with divine beings for a time and then was returned to the body to resume her life with new understanding and awareness of her mission in life. This was all orchestrated to happen in keeping with a life plan predestined to happen that was decided on before she started her incarnation. She needed to be of a certain age when this would be understandable to her, at least sufficiently, to awaken within her a desire to pursue this path. This seemingly extraordinary measure was in keeping with the important role she had intended to play in life and it was decided that she needed this boost to get her going, and especially to capitalize on her early years when those are the most accurate and rewarding with respect to receiving intuitive information, which for the purpose of her artwork was critical for achieving the level of detail and accuracy of the visions she has enjoyed. It was important to get her opened up and functioning to call on these abilities regularly to strengthen them and develop her craft as an artist as well. The young are especially ingenious because they are not self-conscious, they are often fearless and unhindered by inner negativity concerning their worth, their capabilities, and reacting to much anxiety about what others might say about them or think about them, or judge them harshly in fact for doing something unconventional. The innocence of youth is greatly empowering, so that was the intention underway, to capitalize on her life circumstances and potential at the most opportune time. The fact that one person communes with a high-level divine spirit and another person communes with an imposter does not negate the reality of the former communication, only that all such communications cannot be accepted at face value when some might be authentic and others not. We were describing a kind of rule of thumb about whether we reach out to people purposely without some preliminary build-up desired from within that individual themselves. This is a rough characterization that cannot be literally accurate on its face because there are many nuances, many exceptions, the example of this young artist appearing to be one as well. When an average person starts to hear a voice in their head, that will not be divine because it is too striking and too clearly coming from outside the self when we do not work in that fashion. So in the example we have given about a channeler who was awakened in the night and summoned to go to his typewriter to receive a message, this was coming from an external source and not his own idea or inspiration to reach out yet again under his own power and request a hearing or request a conversation. This was also not fulfilling a life plan that was supported from the divine in wanting to bring about such a communication. This individual was responding to his own ego and his own assumption about the authenticity of his prior channeling work, and unfortunately, it was a false assumption as he had been working in a corrupted way for some time previously without realizing this. So when he was tapped to accept a new message, he was somewhat surprised but went along with it because he trusted it would be productive and would be meaningful. So here again, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. He was satisfied with the end result because he was looking at it uncritically and assumed that he could accept it at face value as a divine communication, and was not discerning enough to see that the message itself was limited and pointing people away from the divine rather than towards the divine, and the latter is what divine representatives will always be doing. So this is simply a lesson in not being over-literal with regard to a particular circumstance or set of conditions that point in one direction or another. Few things in life are absolutes, there are always shades of grey, there are always exceptions to rules under special circumstances, and so on. You just need to be open and a bit more flexible to understand that we cannot categorize everything perfectly with a few sentences as a kind of divine law that can be applied as an acid test in every situation to give a pass or a failing grade. After all, the work of imposters is to put on a good show, to communicate in a way that will be deceptive and not discerned by anyone listening unless they are deeply intuitive and in quite good divine alignment, and then may only feel some inner disquiet that it doesn’t seem to feel right to them but it won’t necessarily set off a huge inner alarm. That is because many of the false channelings are lofty in tone and are divine in broad outlines—they are intended to be in order to deceive—so they take a central core of truth which could be 90-95% of the content and use that to build trust and acceptance, and then only occasionally will introduce a distortion in order to plant seeds of doubt and cracks in the armor that might be unnoticed for some time, but eventually will begin to erode the listener and degrade their function, and that will become a downward spiral eventually. It is always safest to consider everything on a case-by-case basis. We understand not everyone has the luxury of being able to ask Creator directly for a vote of confidence or a disclosure of an intent to deceive, so the best you can do is use the descriptions of all such communications as a general guideline and do your best to sift and sort descriptions people give about what they do, and when you are not sure, seek our help if it is personally important for you.