DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersAccording to the Pleiadians, HUMANS are now, and becoming, that “posse” looking to bring the Anunnaki, the “gods,” to “karmic account.” They said, if you live another decade, you may live to see the fall of the gods. Is this an accurate description and possible to see happen?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is a quite accurate analysis. In choosing to tangle with the divine human, they have finally met their match, not in terms of technological sophistication or degree of power and reach, but through your standing being a divine extension created for special reasons and a special destiny. That destiny constitutes power within, and your ability to connect with us directly through intuitive sensing is a powerful instrument of change for the better because you can become inspired through us interacting and reminding you of your meaning and connection to us, and your outreach and requests for help will enable us to come to your aid. That is highly variable and has been absent many times through history, and this was true of the darkest of those periods where so few humans maintained a link to the divine. Almost all were endangered and suffered greatly because they felt there were no options and no place to turn. There has been an awakening with the shift in consciousness for quite some time and the growth of religion with more modern teachings over the last two millennia has begun to shift things more and more in your favor. You can keep this going by cultivating an awareness of the lifeline it represents. If people embrace the notion of divine assistance being vital for your fortunes, this can turn the tide once and for all to free humanity from the grip of the Anunnaki and this would indeed fulfill this prophecy of seeing the gods fall, being the gods of old, the Anakim, as mentioned in the Bible, and the Nephilim, their offspring from mating with humans to create a bloodline loyal to them and not the greater humanity.