DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyAccording to yourdictionary.com, “The definition of Marxism is the theory of Karl Marx which says that society’s classes are the cause of struggle and that society should have no classes.” Leaving Marx’s solution aside for the moment, what is Creator’s perspective on Marx’s diagnosis that class differentiation and class struggle is the primary cause of human difficulty and injustice?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This depiction of his writings is itself somewhat simplistic. Marx discussed many aspects of the difficulties of society in seeing that workers are often oppressed and that there is a wealthy elite class that floats above it all and seems privileged and often unworthy of the safety and luxury of their lifestyle. So there are two levels here, one is the issue of work itself, what it represents, its value to others, and where one sits in the flow of energies given by the workers and then taken back in through profits that may flow more to the top than to the workers creating the immediate value in goods and services. What Marx was reacting to was the large inequities in seeing the relative contributions and rewards being distributed very unevenly and often unfairly. By assigning the whole meaning of this dilemma as being a consequence of class divisions, it belies the deeper forces at work, namely why hierarchies exist at all. We would say that the existence of classes within a societal grouping are themselves a consequence of the imposition of a hierarchy that will inevitably favor those in power at the top and exploit those at the bottom. So as far as it goes, the teachings of Marx, that class distinctions need to be dispensed with, is a recognition of consequences of the problem but does not get to the heart of the matter. There is a more fundamental need present here and that is to determine who truly deserves to have power, and on what basis, and in what way might that need to be more limited and potentially constrained for the greater good of the society than to simply allow a dog-eat-dog scramble for power and authority where the strong force the weak to do their bidding. There are dangers always in trying to change things on a societal level because societies and its members have only themselves and their own ideas from their culture and their history and inner makeup, and will find it quite difficult to break out of the mold handed to them down through the ages, all based on faulty thinking and non-divine practice. It is a tall order and this is why those turning to revolution to overthrow the masters can create as many problems as they attempt to solve.