DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyAccording to yourdictionary.com, Capitalism is “an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.” Laissez-faire capitalism is “abstention by governments from interfering in the workings of the free market.” Marx argues that without oversight, laissez-faire capitalism leads to a concentration of wealth, and exploitation of the working classes by the propertied classes. What is Creator’s perspective on this outlook?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Here again there is an accurate perception that people will tend to be self-serving left on their own and this is where would-be reformers have choices to make. Given that laissez-faire capitalism has great potential to become corrupted in service to a powerful elite and ownership class, if the answer is to transfer that power to a governing body, one might well end up with the identical problem for the workers because one is simply substituting one powerful elite for another. History has shown again and again that governments cannot be trusted any more than the capitalist barons using their wealth to accumulate ever greater power and guarding it jealously. We can tell you that the idea of capitalism is more divine than a state-controlled workforce and agenda—at least capitalism is based on the idea of freedom, independent initiative, and creativity—at least in the inception of its various enterprises. How it becomes organized and regimented in service to greater efficiency, and to balance the usual need to compete with other companies without degrading the quality of working conditions, is a function of the morality and ethics of the leadership more so than a flaw in the concept that one can gain in society through excellence, perseverance, dedication, and hard work, all of which will be rewarded if there is a level playing field, because useful work will have value that is recognized and those who contribute will be rewarded in kind. The question of governance is always a critical factor in determining the outcome of any enterprise. In a fair world, the rights of workers and the value they represent to an organization will command respect and be rewarded commensurate with the contribution of each individual to the enterprise, fairly determined, and with a reasonable proportion of the profits going to the actual producers of the organization’s output in exchange for payment. We see more problems arising from governmental regulation and control of the workplace than left to individuals within those organizations to decide for themselves the individual roles, job titles, salaries, and benefits. Under normal circumstances, things will get worked out in a way that is fair and equitable because competition will keep things honest and prevent too great an exaggeration of relative costs and benefits. A company cannot pay its workers more than it takes in as profit, and profits will be determined by the quality of work, efficiency, and the need to compete with other companies offering similar goods and services, so all of the intangible factors contributing to efficiency, quality of the products, and even the marketing and sales acumen will factor into how well one company does compared to another. These are all positive attributes that need to be cultivated and rewarded for their encouragement and to maintain steady progress and a successful presence within the business community for an organization to be competitive and have staying power. This creates a natural balancing among all of the factors involved to keep things relatively honest and comparable across an industry. So the concept of laissez-faire capitalism has shown its merit again and again in the real world. The distortions that do take place are a consequence of largely outside influences where humans are being manipulated unduly by interlopers in some way to distort things by imposing restrictions or government sanctions on a particular industry, or restricting market access for political reasons often due to international tensions, and so on, as well as wishing to promote strict adherence to standards that are believed to benefit the workers themselves as well as the greater society, like things relating to creation of pollution in a manufacturing setting and the general safety of what is being produced, and so on. There are many opportunities for heavy‑handed oversight that has a stultifying effect and can become an outsized cost burden in its own right, even to the extent that companies will go out of business as a result. There are many such examples of the cure being worse than the disease. The irony here is that many times excessive oversight and overregulation is the idea of the Extraterrestrial Alliance wanting industry to suffer and wanting there to be economic losses and a lower quality of life through restricting commerce and human benefit. So to have a power structure invites manipulation and inappropriate actions of all kinds. At least if the power is held within an organization itself there is its own self-interest to counterbalance any impulsed suggestions that could be self-destructive and self-defeating. An outside governing body will be much less sensitive and caring about a potential harmful consequence and will rationalize very heavy-handed draconian measures in many instances because they are individually manipulated through mind control to believe they are serving a higher good and their oversight is greatly needed. So one of the takeaway messages here is that your questions about the political considerations and practical economic consequences of various ways of organizing society are being asked in a kind of vacuum when what is most important is to discuss these issues in the wider context, that the Earth is a prison and the commercial sector is very much like a prison work farm. All are slaves to the interlopers, they are at the top of the hierarchy, and they instill a hierarchy for everyone else so they can maintain their iron grip on things. So this will impact everything you are asking here in one way or another in how we need to answer.