DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlAn article published in the British Medical Journal in 2011 titled “Use of mobile phones and risk of brain tumors: update of Danish cohort study,” examined records of all Danish citizens over 30 years of age born after 1925, divided into subscribers and nonsubscribers of mobile phones before 1995. Their data showed no significant increased incidence of central nervous system tumors of any kind in either men or women, contradicting the study we cited in our video about the negative effects of electromagnetic fields, and your prior channeled information that the energy of cell phones is carcinogenic. What accounts for this discrepancy?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
This is nothing more than a clever data selection to cover the earlier period of cell phone usage. It will not bear out when looking at subsequent blocks of time because the energies have worsened in their negative consequences, cell phone usage has increased dramatically, and the exposure levels have expanded accordingly. So they are simply looking at an earlier era of exposure, and by obtaining seemingly reassuring data, feel they have ended the controversy and put a nail in the coffin of skeptics, who seem to them to be only acting out of irrational fear, when anyone can see that harm from cell phone signals is a laughable idea. This is putting the cart before the horse—presuming innocence before holding a trial in a meaningful way and gathering appropriate evidence. In this case, the presumption of innocence is allowing a study of older records that are more readily obtained and defining them in a way that makes it sound like there is a huge span of time with a huge number of exposed individuals showing no harm. When in fact, they are doing an inadequate job of assessing risk, and are not seeing what is truly developing within the very population they studied for a segment of time and then cut off the analysis for the more recent span of time. The rationale was that exposure up to the current moment cannot be expected to yet yield a meaningful outcome because of the time lag for a carcinogenic effect to appear, but this belies the fact that the timespan would also allow the appearance of the consequences from the early exposure, which will only increase over time, and therefore, merits a look under those circumstances, should any increase in cancer incidence be apparent. The fact that much of the population may well not have had a sufficient length of exposure to show symptoms as yet, would only strengthen the potential significance of a statistically significant increase. So this was an incomplete investigation that was guided to be so, through a mind manipulation of the scientific personnel involved, which is typically done across the board with all of science that is probing into areas controlled by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to serve their dark agenda.