DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit MeddlersAre entity attachments the result of an individual agreeing to hold a certain perspective of victimhood?
Karen Gore Staff asked 6 years ago
There is certain coordination of energies. For instance when people have been weakened through imbibing alcohol or using drugs recreationally, like marijuana, there is a weakening of the auric field and this allows quite ready entry into the person by outside dark spirits seeking their energy. These are gateways for spirit attachment. In addition, the overall weakening through emotional excess that drains a person through the cultivation of a sense of hopelessness and helplessness to allow a state of chronic anxiety to the severe level, the individual becomes unable to function normally in society. Someone with a severe depression who is in that state of being—all such emotional depths increase vulnerability to spirit attachment. This is not strictly speaking a desire or alignment with being attacked, but is a consequence of the general vulnerability. We would not see this as the person's doing directly but do see it as the person's doing indirectly. As you were discussing prior to us coming forth, humans are in charge here, in all ways, at all times, knowingly or unwittingly, consciously or unconsciously, with the current frame of reference in current life history and experience, or karmically from a long series of prior lifetimes of learning, and often suffering in many ways. All contribute in some respect to each moment, and all are influenced by the human collective as all are interconnected quite directly, energetically, in multiple ways, in multiple levels of the being, the collective unconscious being the most familiar example for people. But there are many levels to energy and perception of energy. Each person radiates an energetic field consisting of their thoughts, and these are perceived by others energetically as a mood state, as a kind of yard stick to assess the safety, the desirability, the potential pleasure in approaching another person, or to turn away. There is an interplay of forces always. Spirits are out and about in great number and always looking for new victims. Whenever a person projects negativity, it is speaking their language, and they will have a new dark friend approach to do a handshake and there will be an energetic offering and an interplay with the person on a subconscious level and if there is an agreement to have a conversation this maybe the person's undoing and invite a spirit in, in effect, who will then not leave but invite in its friends, and then there will be a group of interlopers on board siphoning energy away from the person and making them go into further decline. These are examples of the ways in which this can come about.