DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlAt a soccer match in Indonesia, held in a packed stadium, excited fans rushed the field at the end of the match and were confronted by police using tear gas. In the ensuing melee, people were trampled and at least 125 killed by the fleeing crowd. Tragedies from seemingly spontaneous mob action happen at regular intervals. Was any of this orchestrated?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This was orchestrated to happen. People do not simply go crazy when present in large groups. There are many such gatherings, even of tremendous numbers of individuals, that remain calm and peaceful even when people become super-excited, as with certain concert performances and sporting events, and so on. When things get out of control, fights break out, and particularly when there is a mass panic, it is usually a consequence of a manipulation to get things going, including the ramping up of inner passions and emotional states to make people more volatile and that will add fuel to the fire, so to speak. There is always a foundation of human nature being exploited. In the same way you cannot get blood out of a stone, there needs to be something to work with that can be ramped up or redirected or even misapplied through false assumptions for an impassioned cause of some kind, to light the fire and kindle a riot, or in this case, a stampede. This soccer match was too tempting target to leave alone. So the interlopers exerted a manipulation of the police in attendance to overreact in a heavy-handed way in using tear gas on the crowd. That is what caused the panic and the stampede, causing people to crush together and those knocked to the ground seriously injured or killed. There is often a combination of manipulations, both of the crowd and the authorities. It can work both ways, sometimes police are ramped up as well, to engage in even a violent clash. At other times they are manipulated to stand down and let people run riot, to burn in loot unimpeded. The Extraterrestrial Alliance are opportunistic and they know their targets because they have been manipulating human beings for thousands and thousands of years. So they know how you think and how to get to you and bring about tragedies in turning people against one another.