DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaCan Creator comment on how large a role karma plays in the bonding of two people in an intimate relationship?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
Karma is exceedingly important. This is true whether the people coming together are truly right for one another and compatible in a deep way or not. As we have commented elsewhere, even in situations where there are true soulmates or twin flames with a deep soul compatibility and a belonging together from long prior history of many lifetimes spent in intimate relationships with one another, there can be many false starts, failed marriages, and karmic woundings of all kinds that will get in the way of a love relationship even by two people so very right for one another. And that will be an overriding factor, in many instances, that can prevent a long-term successful marriage even though the people have strong initial attraction and a deep passion kindled very quickly, if there is karmic wounding and damage in one or both partners from other lives of difficulty, that will complicate things and will be a source of difficulty that could cause the marriage to essentially break down and create irreconcilable differences that lead to divorce despite the fact the people have everything going for them in most respects. Karma is the greatest power and influence on all human activity there is, and that is because of so long a prior history being a factor in everything that happens, and the fact that the world is so troubled, so most lifetimes have had compromise and many difficulties, failings, losses, and times of great sadness. All of which will be influencing a new incarnation and create an obstacle and a headwind for any successful relationship to get going and then be maintained.