DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerCan you help us understand the importance of making repeated prayers to receive divine assistance for a particular need? Does it help to keep asking?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
This is a very helpful instruction because the divine realm, as you know quite well, has many constraints and works on its own time frame to help things come about. There are many things governing when and where divine realm can intercede. Sometimes we must wait for an appropriate opportunity to intervene. Sometimes there is a lack of readiness. Sometimes the object of our attention and the source of greatest need is obstructing the possibility of divine help from distorted beliefs or an inability to accept change, or for other reasons, and then we are powerless to make things happen just then. This might change over time with a softening up, and if not a more desperate need, a willingness to reconcile with the practicalities at hand and finally deal with a difficult situation in earnest for the first time. It may be late in coming, but may open the gateway to having a divine resolution to make things work out favorably after all, because the average person will not know the origins of their dilemma even for themselves let alone for all others who may be involved in a particular situation or problem. They will not be able to see what may be needed to allow the divine realm to do the utmost possible for giving assistance. Many times, the one offering the prayer is the greatest obstacle to receiving divine help and has no perception of this, nor how the dynamics work, and so is unable to do anything to increase their chances at the outset. It may take lots of work around the edges to gradually chip away at sources of resistance to reach a point where that individual will be able to pray more effectively—either through an increased belief quotient or the removal of some inner roadblocks that would slow things down and have kept the answer and solution at bay, so to speak. There is a launching of energy in making a prayer request. With repeated requests the energy becomes amplified and the initial request will not have evaporated. It will still be there if it has not been answered. This is like all of human thought in the collective—it persists until something negates it or cancels it from the original thinker—in other words, it can be recalled. This is a housekeeping function of divine realm to help sort through these energies to see what involves the divine realm and what does not and to see what may be out of date or negated by a shift in perspective and then the divine realm will assist the pool of consciousness to do some cleanup and remove conflicting energies and obsolete notions that no longer serve. This is a divine gift of Creator to continue seeing that things run smoothly in the universe. Until all obstacles are removed, it is of value for someone using prayer to keep requesting prayer for those things most needed, because it keeps the intention going and will be noticed again and again by divine realm and then attempts are made to see what can be done and it may be that some time is required before things are in alignment to allow acting on a particular prayer request. If this has been repeated, it will help all the more to keep it on the front burner, so to speak, and to have a high degree of intention and therefore interest and therefore relative importance in surveying the landscape and ordering priorities. It is no different in the workings of divine realm that he who shouts loudest will be noticed first. This is simply physics in action, not a divine decree or a divine judgment. This is also not to say that the faint will not get noticed. We are talking here about adding urgency to things and adding a greater intensity to one's desire. To keep things in balance to respond in proportion to the energies of an idea is simply the way things work. So, if you wish to have the greatest possible support and influence in getting it, repeated prayer requests will ensure you and your desires will not only be noticed but given careful attention to have a higher priority than many routine things prayed for out of habit and rote that are not so urgent.