DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsHaving reviewed the likely heavy divine influence behind the creation of our modern legal system, how concerned should we be collectively at the growing secularization of our legal system? Is the entire concept of the “inalienable rights” of the individual in jeopardy as a result?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is very, very true and it would be prudent for everyone in today’s world to stop and think about how they got here, whether they truly enjoy freedom, and in what ways might it be constrained in their particular society, and what might be the risks for them personally if their desires for what they wish to do personally with their lives puts them in jeopardy of violating existing laws in some way, and therefore in a sense they are a prisoner of the state to the extent their freedoms are being abridged already? True freedom comes from recognizing the sovereignty of the divine and the gifting of free will and free agency to all, and unlimited access to life force energy and the flow of divine love that people can enjoy personally and gift to others unreservedly because it will never be exhausted; as long as they are in divine alignment themselves, they will automatically be replenished. When people lose touch with the divine, they lose touch with their inner divinity. Their lack of being in alignment will begin to diminish their reach, diminish their personal power, and even diminish their energy to remain in a healthy state of wellbeing and they will be more subject to illnesses, emotional difficulties of all kinds, and a diminished state of being that will make them vulnerable in many ways to the depredations of others and they will be more likely to be victimized and subjugated. That is the end consequence of denying the truth of the divine—it will lead to seeking power and control over others as the only other substitute for a divine order freely chosen as a loving impulse from within. Without that inner alignment, life will become harder, more complex, more uneven, and more bad things will happen, bad things of all kinds, and people will become increasingly desperate in looking for ways to survive. This is what happens with civil unrest in the absence of law and order based on the principle of fairness which is a divine perspective. Growing secularization can be perverted in many, many ways to favor vested interests, to take power away from the individual, and keep it with the state—that is always corrupting and will lead to subjugation of those less powerful. So quality of life will decline and will eventually lead to a downward spiral ending in destruction and even potentially the end of humanity through dissipation and a kind of self-annihilation if divine support were to be withdrawn as has already been done to the spirit meddlers. People misunderstand that law and order are in divine alignment if carried out with fairness and sensitivity to individual situations and needs, and the greater good of all in a kind of balance with the sovereignty of the individual as an important principle. When all are in divine alignment and inclined to carry out all they do each day in living their lives through loving kindness, there will be little need for law to begin with. The more humanity moves away from its moorings inherent in the divine origin of the human race, the more the connection to divinity through the divine realm will be diminished and eventually that disconnection will leave humans entirely on their own, left to their own devices, and a minimal awareness of divine truth. So individuals will be subject to the worst of their nature, becoming more like animals in a primitive state of existence needing to fight for survival with no regard for the rights of others or caring about their feelings. This will lead to what was discussed before about an ever-growing flood of laws and regulations in an attempt to keep everyone in line, but eventually it will require authoritarian and eventually a totalitarian power to subjugate people through fear as that will be the only way left to maintain order, and even survival of the leadership against a potential mob of disaffected citizens all wanting something for themselves who don’t care about harming others to get it. This is the illusion of the atheist in thinking God and religion do not matter because they see plenty of decent folk, themselves included, who are willing to live and let live and contribute to society without causing trouble, and so on. What they do not realize is all of those good impulses are a legacy of the divinity flowing within them that has been kept alive through the centuries through spiritual practice, and that is why it still survives within the culture as a guiding light. If that is neglected and dies out, there will be a gradual erosion through increasingly harsh central control and power that will lead to fascism and a loss of sovereignty of the individual and will be the undoing of humanity in the process.