DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessIf the deep subconscious worries about past life trauma outside of conscious awareness, that implies it sees the akashic records. Does it do so directly or does it go through the thought plane to deposit the question or the concern and then it is relayed by the thought plane to the akashic record to obtain further knowledge that may be relevant?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
The deep subconscious goes on its own to the akashic record, and what it uncovers it will share with the thought plane because it is generating thoughts on an ongoing basis. So this is automatic and is not a periodic willful process, it is an ongoing dialogue with information flowing back and forth. There is a regular check-in, so to speak, with the thought plane to see what's new from its monitoring to know the current state of being with the individual as a whole. In finding things to worry about in the akashic record, this will generate a flurry of dark thoughts added to the thought plane. They, in turn, will go out to the akashic record on their own and to the collective unconscious and will be summoning further mischief as a consequence. This is a normal feedback loop that keeps everything matching and keeps things in a kind of flow according to the intentions of the person launching those thoughts. You can view this as an extension of the individual’s reach and power of thought, that their consciousness can create a mountain of misery quite readily if it is not careful. And this is the virtue in cultivating a positive perspective whenever one can, to help moderate the negative self-talk and keep it from growing too excessively, to the extent one can.