DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerIn what ways can prayers for the dead after their passing help them?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
Prayers are always beneficial, for they are an exchange of love and this is always a good idea and a blessing to all parties involved, including the divine who delights in conveying such exchanges. When people pass, they can go to many destinations. Their loved ones are still connected and when people think of their departed loved one, that being, wherever it might be, will be aware this is taking place. If they are earthbound, as a spirit, they may be quite cut off from all communication, and that is a different matter, but the prayer enables the divine realm to begin building a better communication link, for that is the first order of business in prayer—to have a message delivered and register on the being. This, whether the people praying realize it or not, can benefit an earthbound spirit if this was the fate of the loved one who passed. An even better exercise would be to pray for that soul’s safe passage to the light. That is a direct instruction to divine realm to make an outreach and also see to it that the spirit, if it is earthbound, will be delivered. That, as you know, can be a tremendous blessing, so this is a kind of insurance people can build into their thoughts and actions and will be a great blessing to loved ones. The thinking of them is an act of love of great importance still for the departed. They have many things to do and many ways to proceed with their energy. They always endeavor to stay close to the loved ones still in the physical—to check on them, to watch over them, and look for opportunities to be of service and to give love back if they are invited to do so. Whenever someone reaches out with prayer, it closes the communication loop once again, in a sense, renewing the bonds and strengthening them. All benefit from this. No prayer goes unwasted, the love will always go to someone in need.