DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AbductionsIs there any truth to the idea that part of the abduction phenomenon is that part of human souls are being removed, and if so by whom, and for what purpose?
Karen Gore Staff asked 6 years ago
This is an exaggeration of what takes place. It is a perception gained intuitively that speaks truth but the interpretation is somewhat inaccurate. This relates to the manipulation that is done by the extraterrestrials to dim the reach of divine human. This started many thousands of years ago by the Anunnaki to close down the connection to higher self to a significant extent, and to disconnect human from the deepest reaches of their own mind and the deep subconscious that connects to the akashic records of their prior history. This leaves people isolated and floating in a sea of disconnect, out of touch, as though they were on a raft at sea, and had no link to true cultural awareness and involvement. In addition, there are ongoing corruptions of the children being born, and this was revealed recently to your channel. This allows us to talk about it here, in addition to the question itself because this is another thing perceived intuitively that humans are altered drastically. This is a new concept for most people aware of extraterrestrial doings. The abduction phenomenon has been described for many years as a genetic experiment to help the extraterrestrials to create a series of hybrids. It goes much beyond that because they are doing that by manipulating human DNA to see what happens. They are using the abductees as guinea pigs quite literally, not only to obtain blood samples and gametes to fertilize and then take into their laboratories, and be using them unilaterally for their own cultural reasons and development. They are changing humans and changing their destiny as a consequence. There has been a program of genetic advancement launched by the light and this has been evident to all those seeing the consequences in the young, how advanced, how precocious, how spiritually attuned, and how capable they are of using, not only their intelligence, but their intuitive reach. And often having deep knowing about past lifetimes and about past interactions with family members in other lifetimes and on and on. The so‑called Indigo children, the Crystal children, the Diamond children, and so forth—this is an upgrade of DNA bestowed by Creator to begin to reverse the longstanding genetic distortion. In response the interlopers are abducting young children in this new generation to corrupt their DNA once again and reverse the gains. This is being done across the board and being done worldwide, involving children in the millions. This is what you are facing. The level of depravity being unleashed upon you is quite drastic. It is only that it's covert that makes it successful heretofore. Knowledge and awareness will change things because then the answers can be applied. People who do not know what is at stake are not going to start praying to God, for something they think is a fantasy or a delusion. That is why we are being so forthright. If you look for evidence of this you will find it. People are coming forward with their stories. It continues to be quite inexplicable that people on the one hand will tell you they have a miraculous child with tremendous capability, much more advanced than they were at the child's age. Yet for some reason, they are suffering. There may have been a sudden downturn in their emotional state and this is puzzling because they seem to have every advantage, everything going for them as their life commenced, but suddenly things have experienced a setback. These are all signs of outside interference. It is going on wholesale across the board and this is one of many such examples of human tampering. This is the reason for the perception that souls are being taken. It's not that the soul is taken because the human is an extension of only a portion of the soul to begin with. The soul is truly out of the reach of the interlopers but it is a corruption of soul expression to a very high degree to undo Creator's handiwork to make these exalted beings with a higher level of potential than ever before.