DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaIs there truly such a thing as “soulmates” where there is a Divine bond between two souls preceding simple karmic entanglements? In some circles, there is a notion of “essence twin” or “twin flame” – denoting a particularly potent form of divine love bond that overshadows almost everything. It is said these kinds of relationships are rarely consummated because they are too distracting and too intense. Is there any truth to this?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
There is some truth to this idea because the nature of love is so very powerful that an especially intense love of the kind this represents will become an overwhelming priority to the exclusion of other opportunities, or even obligations at times, as it can begin to cloud judgment. Human life is difficult. The pragmatic needs to make a living and provide for personal safety over the long haul require many hours of prosaic activities and often drudgery with little reward and certainly cut off from many pleasures, sources of satisfaction, and time with loved ones. The twin flame passion is so great it can interfere with people making the necessary sacrifices to balance their lives in a way that allows a successful career while maintaining such a love relationship. In actuality, it is a relative rarity, and this is purposeful because the purpose of life is not to spend it with one’s twin flame, but is to experience negativity and learn from it how to heal and overcome obstacles. You are not here to have perfection and a state of bliss. If that happens, it is a testament to human ingenuity to bring it about and to maintain the conditions allowing such a luxury. We would not want to deny anyone such happiness but it will not be planned, in most cases, because there are serious projects needing attention and everyone has much work to do as you are coming from behind, in so many respects, having been unable to heal your own difficulties for many centuries and that backlog of unmet karmic healing need has grown quite formidable. There is much catching up needed here, so much concerted time and effort needs to be applied to this task. There is always need to have balance in one’s life, free time, relaxation, sources of amusement, and deep pleasure from a love relationship can all be in the mix and this is ideal for maintaining human well-being, happiness, and health—both physical and emotional. So this is a question of degree, and maintaining balance in a situation where there is a potential excess of bliss sounds like a problem everyone should have but, in actuality, it could get in the way. This is not an issue where having a twin flame relationship is somehow to be condemned or is toxic in some way that humans cannot handle, it is only that people are less than perfect and, as in all relationships, when the parties are flawed and have karmic wounding, even a twin flame relationship can have its ups and downs and may not be possible to sustain if people are too wounded and need healing in order to trust others, to give of themselves, or overcome resentments gained from past losses and neglect or abandonment. In such cases, the intensity of the feelings will only make a breakup and estrangement all the worse because the loss will be quite tremendous, in terms of what is given up, and that is most unfortunate. So the fault in such situations is not the existence of twin flame passion and energy because of a soul complementarity of that level, of that degree of perfection, it is that when personal foibles and past karmic baggage get in the way, the consequences are greatly exaggerated and the whole dilemma becomes hugely painful as a consequence of the magnitude of loss it represents.