DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceMany people see acts of forgiveness as showing weakness, or are unwilling to consider it because they are still harboring anger and resentment. What can you share about the divine perspective of this dilemma and the best way to help people find a path to forgiveness despite their resistance?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This situation shows very clearly the consequences of negative acts of all kinds done by perpetrators to their victims. It is, in effect, the loveless act rubbing off on the victim to create a loveless state of suffering, for that is what happens literally. Being injured takes love from their experience and replaces it with pain, with humiliation, with fear, with uncertainty about the future and the stability of their world, doubts about their own self-worth, and so on. It interferes with the ability to love themselves and sometimes acceptance by others if they are seen as damaged and weak in some way. So this is a healing need of the highest importance and speaks to the obligation and responsibility of the perpetrator who will be burdened by the karmic consequences of creating this state of being in their victims and will have to rebalance this in some way and may well suffer greatly in the act of repayment. This tends to compound things, however, and can worsen things over time. Karma is powerful but also a compounding tool to magnify distress, and that is simply the reality created by misdeeds, they tend to carry forward with a ripple effect that amplifies the negative consequences of the original act, and that is why the retribution through karma can become quite intense and even an overwhelming consequence to worsen and destroy a life for all practical purposes. The fact that this can be circumvented through an act of forgiveness shows the power forgiveness holds to not only right the wrongs but do so in a very powerful and effective way. It takes powerful energy to turn the tide when such forces are in play, so this is a good way of illustrating how powerful forgiveness truly is and its essential nature, because there are so many situations and individuals involved in terrible struggles with things that have taken place and are trapped with the residue of feelings created and the inner fears, and doubts, and negative beliefs they have adopted as a result, and are the victim of their own self-programming in the end. To break through that and set it right requires a massive healing effort. This is not feasible when people throw up roadblocks, which is a natural consequence of harboring resentment and deep anger towards a perpetrator. This is a kind of evil twin of the perpetrator’s negativity, both the hostility of the perpetrator and the resentment of the victim are a misalignment and a negative consequence of spiritual misalignment—both are faulty, both are destructive, both create new negative karma and consequences that will continue to project into the future and influence the future accordingly. So this is a healing need of major proportions. It can be dealt with by working with the deep subconscious most efficiently. That is not always feasible because few can use the approaches that are effective to reach this level of the mind. This is why the role model of forgiveness can have benefit because it can begin to show the victim the error in their thinking, that it is keeping them trapped, in a sense, reliving the consequences of their victimization and, as a result, become trapped in a prison created by the perpetrator so there is never a relief. It is as though they are being harmed, over and over again, with no letup. The fact that the victim is continuing to harm themselves does not lessen the urgency and the significance of what is underway here to throw a life off-track and create disarray and a worsening that can become perpetual unless healing can be provided in some way or another. Practicing forgiveness is an approach that some will be able to embrace with success. If it is modeled and seen as a divine act to help the self, it will be more palatable and can accomplish the goal, because what is truly happening to create the separation and the continued judgment of the perpetrator and the inability to let go of them, in fact, karmically, is that the victim has, in a sense, been infected with the negativity of the perpetrator and is mirroring that in their suffering. The perpetrator will never be free of the karma of what they have unleashed as long as the victim is in this state of being, so this is one reason healing the perpetrator can be so very important because it provides a path to healing the victim which will happen automatically, if successful. To start from the victim side is actually more difficult because if the perpetrator has not changed and the victim is actually vibrating in harmony with the perpetrator, accomplishing healing for them is much harder. By modeling forgiveness as the high vibration spiritually it represents, this is a reminder to the victim of who they really are, what they are capable of becoming again, and by emulating this standard, can begin a process of letting go of the need to embrace the past as a touchstone and a guiding force that must always be kept in the sights and never forgotten, and this will hold the person back and prevent further growth and healing. To embrace the idea of forgiveness will, first of all, require allowing the self to be raised up, to be in alignment with that feeling. So this is how forgiveness can actually bring about healing in a vacuum, in a sense, being done solely by the victim and this is a fine way to go about it because the energy will shift for both victim and perpetrator if the victim can let go of recriminations and allow their anger to fade away by giving up the resentment using it as fuel. If one decides to return to divine alignment and makes that a priority, it will push out those negative emotions because they will not be compatible and true healing will happen as a consequence. It is easier to do if there is a facilitation of a healing process to help the deep subconscious apply self-healing energetically in a more direct way by coming to grips with what took place and reframing the experience in a positive way as a self-help process, not a service to the perpetrator as the primary goal. That will likely be resisted if there is fear, resentment, and hatred being harbored by the victim still. Forgiveness is a bridge, a divine bridge, to reconnect warring souls with a common understanding of their purpose and the ideal state of being that both truly want to be experiencing. That is a great reward in and of itself that people will recognize with suitable reflection and a willingness to seek answers to improve their lives.