DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessMany performance artists have commented on just how important applause from an audience is. And many have said that applause is why they do what they do and that many would do it for free (and many do at the community level) just for the applause alone. Can Creator tell us about the energy dynamics of applause, and why it is so effective and even intoxicating?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
The simple truth here is that applause is, in effect, an expression of love and all are thirsty for love. It is more highly prized than anything else in life because it will have the greatest value and meaning there can be. People yearn for closeness with others and spend much time worrying about being accepted and for good reason. Many things get in the way of would-be friendships. There are many negative influences that can derail the acceptance of others and them of you. This dynamic is a favorite playground of the interlopers, to cause divisive thinking and actions that are wounding and destructive to relationships. This bogs everything down and disheartens people, and is a cause of much failure of human enterprises. So experiencing the opposite energetically, in the form of applause from strangers even, can be quite exhilarating because it is at once a dramatic demonstration of acceptance and a positive acclamation that one is worthy and not only meets the test, has done so convincingly in order to justify such an enthusiastic gesture of support and feedback. It is not only a widely recognized cultural expression independent of language in its symbolic meaning, it is a powerful sensory experience as well, because it is so forceful to the point it takes over the moment and when all join in, the applause audibly reinforces the unity in that accolade, the gesture of pleasure and acceptance of the performer. There is an energetic augmentation that happens below conscious awareness as a consequence of putting the hands together and pulling them apart once again and repeating it over and over. In a sense, they are beaming a message; with each coming together and separation, it is a re-greeting of the performer by the audience member clapping in that way and they are making their energy felt as a distinct pulsation that will be separate from all others at some point in time and energetically can be discerned as a unique signal and event, and this becomes a group exercise purposefully, because it will generate excitement and encourage others to increase the intensity of their individual voice, so to speak, in the recognition they are conveying the message, "We are with you. We like you." and thus all are sharing the collective intensity as a contributor and, in effect, this amplifies their voice through the mass participation becoming quite a wave of love.