DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlMassachusetts Prosecutors charged a young woman with involuntary manslaughter because she urged her boyfriend repeatedly to kill himself and he jumped to his death from the roof of a Boston building on the day of his college graduation. During their tumultuous relationship, she sent a barrage of text messages, 74,000 in the two months prior to his suicide. Her possessiveness and threats to kill herself because of him, prosecutors maintained, were psychologically abusive and drove him to commit the act. Was there parallel life karmic entanglement of these two? Was she a mind-controlled troublemaker of the Extraterrestrial Alliance using their karmic past as a springboard for causing mayhem?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Interestingly, there was no prior karmic history of these two. This is simply an opportunistic coming together of predator and prey. In the college setting of young people looking to form long-term relationships, and driven by their developmental imperatives designed to encourage them to find a mate, these two came together and were, in a sense, karmically quite compatible, as the one had been a predator in other lifetimes and the other was prey. So this was karmic in a sense, but not from prior interactions, only having parallel roles in other lifetimes that made them a good fit to replay the karmic drama. So it is not always a prior direct relationship when people come together because of their karma. There are many similarities in the scenarios that happen in life. There are only so many plots, and so many complications, and ways to fail, and this is why individual stories have such resonance with many, many, other people, because they will resemble many other individuals having a like struggle or a troubled relationship or difficulty finding love at all. This coming together, even though not ordained because of prior shared history, ended up proving to be devastating nonetheless, as the respective roles were carried out to the max, resulting in a fatality that cannot be undone at this point. She is indeed complicit in the crime, but he was as well in being so very vulnerable and unable to escape from an abusive relationship, but instead became quite dependent and embraced the exaggerated interpretations and declarations of this woman and felt compelled to satisfy his abuser. This serves like gasoline on a flame to make things worse and draw out the worst in her, because it was, in a sense, calling for more. This is why the two were so pathologically right for each other. So for this to end in tragedy is quite understandable and any possibility of healing came too late, because while there were warning signs, no one would have expected such an extreme consequence as a result of young lovers quarreling.