DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersThe character of Darth Vader is so central to the entire saga of Star Wars, that it would not be a stretch to say that Star Wars was really the story of Darth Vader. In the movies actually written and directed by George Lucas, we see a young Anakin Skywalker mature to a highly skilled, but arrogant and power-hungry Jedi Knight who, tempted by the evil Palpatine, eventually embraces the dark side. Star Wars is a complete character journey and even analysis of a soul’s descent from good to evil, and then rehabilitation back to good. As a composite figure and cautionary tale about how power corrupts absolutely, how closely does the fall of Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader parallel the fall of the Archangel Lucifer?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
You are seeing clearly a true parallel here, that the issue of power is the lure of imposing one's will over others while being impervious to harm or a backlash, so one has the ultimate authority to achieve prominence and a secure perch and becomes untouchable. That is a dream of all tyrants, to be king of the hill, the ultimate overlord, but the image is a false one because a journey to power takes one away from the divine and not towards it, so it is an illusion only because it is removing energy and the power to be divine in the pursuit of folly, a kind of false god, and that is always what one finds in the mirror in achieving what is felt to be victory, to become an exalted leader through conquering others and subjugating them. It is a tenuous perch at best and the karmic penalties and obligations generated by applying tremendous negativity, causing much harm to others to gain the advantage, does not go unnoticed by the Law of Karma, and it will bring back around to you every bit of the suffering and difficulty you engineered through such a conquest, to gain greater and greater power by wielding it over others who were weaker, to gain the upper hand and have control over them. That will ultimately prove to be illusory and temporary at best; there will be a comeuppance and a fall from grace, and this is guaranteed to happen. So there is a similar grand saga depicted in many periods of history discussing wars and counter-wars and dynasties that hold sway, conquer nations, and then fall or collapse from within at the hands of outside forces seeking the same privileges and using the same strategies but perhaps having greater numbers and become unstoppable, or the inner corruption from holding power leading to complacency and becoming too tempting a target creates a growing vulnerability, and eventually some outside agents or force will seek their destruction, wanting to take over in their place. The origin of such ideas and all such negativity with evil intention at its core is a mirror of the fall from grace of Lucifer and his cohort of angelic beings, who began to serve their own egos in wanting more and more special privileges and greater control of things as a kind of power to consolidate their position and parlay their achievements into more tangible rewards of a selfish kind, and gave rise to the iconic representation of serving the ego over divine truth and divine objectives for living, which are not solely about the self but achieving a balance of self-interest, self-accomplishment, and self-satisfaction with the needs of others and society as a whole, so that some personal goals also involve service. You have many examples in human history of people who serve a greater good and become great as an individual in the doing—the famous martyrs, the humanitarians who gave their energy and time for a cause beyond themselves, or even sacrificed their lives while pursuing the upliftment of others and the righting of wrongs and were perhaps killed for their efforts by people corrupted in serving the darkness—all such stories are dramatic and very much on point in a representation of the kinds of issues at stake still for humanity, and which put you personally on the firing line here and now within your lives currently. Being close to the frontlines, you will see this play out within your lifetime—a grand turning point in the energies that will enable, once and for all, the conquest of evil, or its victory over truth which will lead to your demise and the disappearance of humanity from the Earth altogether—one or the other will happen and it will be ultimately traceable to whether you add your talents and energies to the cause of the divine or remain on the sidelines from failing to get the message or taking it seriously, that you are needed to be a force for good and not a bystander in such an important contest between good and evil.