DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersThe cousins of the Vulcans were the “Romulans” depicted as descending from the same ancestral species. Unlike the Vulcans, the Romulans EMBRACED their aggressive nature and allowed their lives to be ruled by passion. The result being that such passions led inevitably, to depravity and evil. We know the interlopers are both aggressive and atheist. Which depicts the interlopers better, the Vulcans or the Romulans? And if the answer is the Romulans, what does that say about the advocacy of controlling one’s passions as the Vulcans strive to do?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
We see the character of the Romulans being defective every bit as much as the character of the Vulcan is defective. In a sense, these are two of multiple dimensions that are soul capabilities. Neither is complete, neither is fully satisfactory or capable of experiencing a loving state of being and therefore being in divine alignment in a consistent way. Both profiles fall short because neither embraces love as a feature and a central idea and objective. The passion of the Romulans was to exalt the self, so it was an exhibition of ego run amok more so than intensity and dedication to one’s pursuits that might have an overabundance of emotion at times but lead to something wonderous in the end simply through sheer force of energy being applied. This comes back to the idea, "By their fruits ye shall know them." What is it the Romulans bring about? What do they exhibit? What do they contribute? Are those encountering them better off by their presence? Are they raised up in some way? The art of living is to raise up others but not at the expense of the self, so that all can be enhanced in a sharing of positive recognition of the importance of each individual to the whole, and a mutual respect and acceptance despite differences that might be perceived in appearance or other characteristics. It is an acceptance that all are worthy and not inferior nor superior to the self, but having equal standing where differences are not a source of disparagement or discrimination, but simply seen for the reality they are variations of a theme and such variations all have their time and place of maximum benefit and appropriateness, and this will vary according to the environment one is in and who is present. These individual variations are a soul reflection of variability and recognize the divine wisdom that creation was to bring into existence an infinite array of possibilities, not all yet fully formed, but still present as potential. Creator’s Plan is to have variety, so one can delight in the magnificent array of individual characteristics, talents, and even idiosyncrasies. This adds great power to the human collective with such a wide array of makeup and talent that is available for the benefit of the whole to call upon as needed and appropriate for all kinds of enterprises, as well as having the sheer fascination and variety of experience from encountering those who differ from oneself. How dull would it be to only be able to look in a mirror and see oneself all day every day? But there needs to be enough common ground, enough common similarity, to feel a kinship and many problems start when this is not fully on display and can be exploited by interlopers to darken your thoughts and perspectives.