DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsThe impeachment mania ramping up passions about the upcoming American presidential election in 2020 is making the politicians, particularly on the left, embrace some increasingly bizarre and improbable scenarios. Is this a clever strategy of the Extraterrestrial Alliance to increasingly discredit Democrats as being irrational in the minds of many voters, to ensure the re-election of Donald Trump, or just their way of having fun by manipulating us?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is a deliberate strategy they are employing with relish, to make the Democrat candidates increasingly outlandish in their ideas and foolish in their lack of depth in proposing unworkable solutions that cannot stand up to scrutiny, and all the tools of the trade of the propaganda artist to misdirect, obfuscate, adopt a straw man to attack, and other irrelevancies that have an emotional appeal and can engender sympathies and ramp up passions. But in the absence of coherent, thoughtful plans and objective goals with a coherent strategy to achieve them, they are offering nothing but platitudes and wishful thinking that will even shift at times to not be internally consistent. The many personal falsehoods embraced for self-promotion are another mind control manipulation and this people will see through intuitively and judge as lack of character. It is something the candidates themselves cannot control, but that speaks to the potential strength of that individual as their leader. It is the case that only those allowed into high office are by and large candidates they can manipulate to their liking. This they have currently in the White House, so they do not need a replacement and it is fun for them to create a circus, almost like a sideshow, with the varying personalities and their quirkiness and extreme opinions and the vying of personal pedigrees to gain attention, and so on, making appeals to bias and prejudice as much as common sense, reason, and high purpose to help the nation. There is a poverty of ideas on display. That is intentional because the game is to cause as many of the contenders as possible to self-destruct by being pushed into extremes that are indefensible or to reveal weaknesses and be discredited and discarded.