DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlThere are many legendary confrontations between scientists presenting their work and scientists in the audience at scientific meetings. To what extent are these simply clashes of ego versus signs of extraterrestrial mind control manipulation, to use scientists as attack dogs to suppress dissenting views, supported by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to hinder human progress?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
While there are many clashes due to strong opinions, strong personalities, and strong egos, the hallmark of extraterrestrial mind manipulation is when the opinions being expressed or defended have an irrational element in not being open to truly consider and weigh the evidence offered for alternative hypotheses, but rather, a dogmatic rigidity actively excluding discourse and a true give and take, where things are calmly and carefully and methodically weighed and considered on their merit. When careful consideration and due respect are not given, you can be quite sure there is a sinister motive at work designed to manipulate and prevent criticism of a view desired by the Extraterrestrial Alliance that will in some way hinder human advancement or safety. This happens again and again in all fields of human endeavor. There will be strong naysayers, strong opinion leaders promoting false concepts and causes, and using available evidence that is twisted to fit and defend their perspective, but in inappropriate ways that can often be seen to be misguided or hollow by someone who is dispassionate, but rarely by those with conflicting views confronting one another. Sometimes the dissenters are simply out-shouted and give up because it becomes more trouble and more painful than it is worth to keep fighting someone who is misguided, but has the higher ground because they got there first through marshalling wide support. And sometimes the dissenters are further manipulated to suppress their curiosity and make them complacent.