DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessThere is a device that is claimed to put out electromagnetic frequencies that are biologically friendly, and to which humans’ bodies naturally entrain in a way that assists those humans in weathering the negative EMFs in our environment. Do these devices actually assist humans in this way? If so, would such devices likely assist bee colonies in a similar fashion?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
There are forms of shielding that can be used to exclude electromagnetic frequencies that could be harmful, both to people as well as the honeybee, but claims of being able to generate biofriendly frequencies that have health benefits is overreaching and more of a false promise as a promotional tool than warranted. In practice, it is difficult to arrange shielding for a bee colony because the bees themselves must feel safe and will have to have unhindered ability to come and go to carry out their lifestyle. It will be a complicated matter to create a quite artificial environment capable of shielding them that will also be appealing as a location for colonies. It is not impossible to arrange but would require some investment and some experimentation to create something beneficial that is truly meaningful that would be acceptable to the bees and not triggering a desire to avoid that location.