DWQA QuestionsCategory: Coronavirus COVID-19“To support his belief that contagion as such, does not exist, he cites a study done after the Spanish Flu Pandemic, by the U.S. Public Health Department, and captured in a book entitled Invisible Rainbow, by Arthur Firstenburg. https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/the-invisible-rainbow/ The study involved 100 healthy subjects and a number of subjects who were very sick with the Spanish Flu and three separate attempts to infect the healthy subjects through: 1. Collecting all infectious secretions from sick patients and placing them in the eyes, nose, and mouth of healthy subjects. 2. Injecting secretions into healthy subjects. 3. Having sick patients expel a deep breath directly into the mouths of healthy subjects. The results in each case were that none of the healthy participants contracted Spanish Flu.” Why were those results obtained?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This was poorly conceived and poorly conducted, both. The major reason for the lack of transmission was ignorance about the timeline of the disease course and the fact that particular virus was largely shed prior to the onset of symptoms, but once symptoms appeared the victim is no longer infectious, so attempting to deliberately cause a transmission at that point would be futile as was observed in this study. So it is not ruling out a transmissible disease at all, it is simply inadequate science because of the lack of information to design the study properly.