DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerWhat if we all use the same code for at least the Mega prayers and give permission for each prayer code said by others be added for overall enhancement, like we do for the Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions? Will that be effective?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
This indeed will be effective in a directly analogous fashion. When people have a common intention, prayers are pooled. This is how the divine realm makes decisions about how to help and how thoroughly to help to correct something, which always requires a balancing of energetic forces—pro and con. The force of karma must always be respected, that is why often large intentions of energy are necessary to surmount its relentless pursuit of seeking a reckoning that may be destructive or quite painful to the recipient. This process is analogous to the prayer chain where people say prayers on behalf of someone and may do so in different times and places, but the chain is in the divine realm’s ability to connect the dots and see the aggregate effort, and then apply it to the intended recipient with full sum total of its effort in the making. That will be true of Mega prayers using similar language to include the intention to have one’s work pooled with that of all others making like requests, and to amplify each individual’s contribution accordingly—that is a new concept, but can be used to great advantage to amplify the outreach.