DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindWhat is my client still experiencing that is unwanted energy, and what can we do to help him further?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
The troubling energy still perceived by your client following your Lightworker Healing Protocol session is the carryover from bodily responses to prior injury and insult that has proceeded long enough to create misalignments of the bodily systems and the perception of an active, intrusive energy causing undesirable feelings and seemingly having a life and purpose behind it of its own. The perceptions are quite accurate because there are true bodily perturbations created originally by outside consciousness, but this is simply the body responding to conditioning, to a training, to produce these phenomena by the body itself and is an example of the strategy used by spirit meddlers to entrain the bodily pathways and makeup to self-torment in whatever way they can engineer, whether it is a physical perturbation that is unsettling, undesirable, unpleasant, and a cause of fear, or it is hearing voices or having hallucinations of another kind that are worrisome or terrifying. The body can be maneuvered and misled into creating many false responses to what it perceives as threats and states of alarm and once it learns to do so, when the conscious mind notices, it will regard that as a kind of reward and a kind of message that this was important to do and it will keep it going and perversely, becomes a kind of chicken and egg problem where the body being out of alignment causes a symptom, the conscious notices, focuses on it, thinks about it, and thereby gives feedback to the body: "this is important; even the CEO is focused on it; we must keep this up," and will do so. It cannot hear your thoughts per se, so it is a deeper healing need that will come more indirectly through taking awareness and focus away from the symptoms and through ignoring them, the body will eventually learn it is unwanted, and in the interest of energy preservation will cease and desist. That is most frustrating and we understand this, but such actions of the body are considered as falling under the aegis of free will and free agency even though the notions are misguided, inappropriate, and self-destructive. It is no different than having an inner belief one is unworthy and cannot be saved even by God. Such beliefs put handcuffs on the divine even when part of the mind reaches out and cries for help. So this is yet another example of the divinity you represent in being free agents with power of your own and a powerful consciousness that has capabilities and consequences. When things get out of control, you can become your own worst enemy. So this can be dealt with over time through continued healing bit by bit, but your part in this is to stand down, disregard these sensations, knowing they are simply a leftover remnant of prior faulty instructions and a kind of habit by the body that will fade over time if you can let it go.