DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessWhat is the true function of our chakras? Some energy healers claim chakras are an energetic yoke, and that their removal will release our central energy core and open our energetic conduit to our higher selves and Source Creator. What is the truth?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
The truth is the chakra system is an integral part of you as a living organism. The bio-energy field is an essential component of your physical makeup as a living entity. Kill the body, and your consciousness will live on; but while you are a physical organism, you are having a multi-level sensory experience involving multiple levels of energetics. This adds a depth and richness to what you experience, and it is, in fact, a reality. So, if you reflect on the difference of the consciousness of a being who has never visited the earth, hovering in space somewhere in the darkness, and you are able to pose to it the opportunity to consider what it is like to be a person eating a bowl of strawberries, they would be completely in the dark as to what this might mean. You could relate it via language if you were compatibly, kinesthetically intuitive and could meld together in communication in an appropriate and profound way—you could share a semblance of the sensation had you experienced it yourself, but it would not be truly a strawberry festival for that being. It would still be once removed, more an idea, more a re-creation, as in seeing a photo, than a true flesh and blood, in the moment, physical manifestation of existence in a real setting energetically. You are in a physical reality; it is not a conjured matrix of an idea. So, what you do and experience is totally real and has great significance. That energy to do so stems from the chakra system bringing in life force energy from the divine realm. That is what breathes life into an individual. It is not something inherent in the chemical makeup of their body nor in the electromagnetic energies observable within the nervous system—for example, keeping the heart beating, triggering the lungs and the muscles of the diaphragm to work in concert to breathe in and out to obtain oxygen as an energy source, and so on, through the body systems that work on autopilot, so to speak. The chakra system is central to energetic communication in an orderly way throughout all of the body's organ systems and the neuroanatomical makeup of the physical form with all of the nerves and all of the muscles and tendons and ligaments joined to the skeleton as a supporting architecture, and all the signaling needed to orchestrate movement as well as perceive where one is—whether erect or supine, whether touching something or not and what it might be like. The feelings and sensations of the myriad human activities and feats of tremendous elegance and grace; the ballet dancer, the athlete carrying out a complicated physical maneuver; the sports figures with their games of skill and physical achievement with grace, speed, strength, agility, reflex actions, cunning, and perception, and the ability to react to events and anticipate and plan strategies to outwit the intellect of other beings—all of the complex human activities are orchestrated through an interplay of energies involving the chakra system. It is a level of organizing forces. That is the function of the bio-energy field. It organizes things and it conveys meaning and many levels of information and instruction from the soul level and from intuitive awareness, and a communication of the deep subconscious mind with the body to carry out and oversee and influence many ongoing activities people take for granted. You do not spend time thinking about digesting your meals, yet this happens. You are only aware when something goes wrong, by and large. There are many levels of elegant interplay of information and the energetics of everything in the physical makeup that influences the body as well as the sophisticated interplay of consciousness itself, and that interplay takes place through the chakra system. Take that away, you no longer have a living being. So, the idea this can be dispensed with or has some other function that can be used for another purpose, whether of a ritual sort or something else, is simply misguided and incorrect in thinking. It is a design feature of the human being, and other species as well, because everything has been created using similar plans in the orchestration of energy into a physical expression that can suit the needs of the particular species and the environment they will inhabit. This is all pre-planned and also fine-tuned over time to optimize things in desirable ways and eliminate things that proved too cumbersome, too complex, too difficult for the organism to manage effectively and became, at times, a liability rather than an asset. This is because we provide opportunities for things deliberately. We do not set out to devise something to a level of perfection on paper, so to speak, for which the creation of a life form is a mere afterthought and the true joy was on the drawing board and its inspiration. We like the interplay of possibilities with the reality of expression to sometimes see ourselves what might happen and make adjustments as things proceed. So, we created this bio-energy system to provide very specific function for a myriad of intricate capabilities essential to human life and the possibilities of existence. There is nothing accidental here, nor was it a product of evolution that left something behind perhaps no longer of value that's only a vestigial remnant of an earlier era perhaps, persisting simply because it is not too great a burden and has not been phased out yet through a selection process. Everything you see was intended to happen and to be in existence—how it looks, how it acts, how it behaves. There are no accidents of nature on that level. Organisms are designed to be what they are and the way they are constructed.