DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersWhen we think of “Martians,” we think of “Little Green Men.” The History.com website says the term originated from an event that took place in the tiny hamlet of Kelly, Kentucky: Why are aliens so often depicted as “Little Green Men” with bulbous heads and oversized eyes? The story began, in part, on the night of August 21, 1955, when a large extended farm family called the Suttons arrived breathlessly at the Hopkinsville Police Station in Southwestern Kentucky. Their story of a terrifying siege by otherworldly beings would become one of the most detailed and baffling accounts of an alien close encounter on record—notable for the large number of witnesses (nearly a dozen), the duration of the encounter (several hours) and the close proximity between the witnesses and creatures (sometimes just a few feet away). The incident quickly became regional and even national news. Are these just our familiar alien Greys created by the Arcturians? Why did they break protocol with this incident and leave a dozen witnesses with a detailed memory of the terrifying close encounter that lasted hours?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
These were indeed Arcturian Greys making an appearance for an extended period of time in this rural family enclave and the effects were very much as depicted—the family was terrified and reacted out of great fear causing them to defend their home with guns. This was not an act of carelessness, but a deliberate incursion designed specifically to make a splash, so to speak, that would create news and spread around the world as a harbinger of things to come. This was another step in the ongoing strategy of disclosure where little by little they have been acclimating humans to adjust to the idea of alien presence so they will reach a point they can take it in stride and accept alien beings as friendly visitors and potential saviors from the great human problems the extraterrestrials themselves have been creating all along. This is an entirely cynical Trojan horse operation to lull humans into complacency and accept the extraterrestrials as friendly helpers, when in fact they have been enslaving humanity all along and manipulating them mercilessly for their own selfish reasons through countless alien abductions and genetic mutations induced to see what will happen, breeding experiments to exploit human females, and on and on. So that is why they arranged this spectacle so that even with armed resistance by this rural family, they did not strike back and cause any harm directly to the people despite the hostile reception they met with. This, too, was deliberate to begin the false narrative: "They are harmless and merely curious about human culture and perhaps a source of greater knowledge and wisdom than humanity enjoys." This exposure of greater and greater numbers of human beings to their presence has continued in earnest and is serving the same agenda, to prepare for their emergence from behind the scenes. If humans accept them and their false story it will be the undoing of humanity because if humans line up with them, we must honor the free will of humanity to side with the darkness and will be unable to help them.