DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessWorker honeybees have a barbed stinger that, once embedded in a human, usually does not pull away with the bee, thereby causing the bee eventually to die from the resulting devastating disembowelment. Is this vulnerability included in the honeybee’s design in order to provide immediate karmic rebalancing to the honeybee after causing so much pain to another creature, as a way of keeping honeybees in perpetual divine alignment?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
Here the question contains the answer, that the mixed blessing of having such a weapon within the makeup of the honeybee such that its use will be lethal to the host is, indeed, part of the plan of Creator to have a built-in guarantee that things will stay in balance. If individual bees for whatever reason, perhaps a genetic alteration rendering them inappropriately aggressive, if they act on that impulse and use their stinger they will be no more, and that will not become a trait carried down through the lineage genetically nor by example in their influence through non-local consciousness on other members of the hive. They will be, in effect, acting as a rogue and whatever drama they create for themselves will be limited to them and not amplified further. So, indeed, this is a built-in safeguard that inherently limits the level of damage bees can do to other beings and this has worked well down through the ages to allow the bees to have an occasional show of force to warn larger creatures it is unwise to upset them, and so there might be some sacrifice on the part of a few bees to set that example. It will pay dividends for the benefit of the greater collective of organisms as many animals, humans included, will steer clear of a beehive unless they are desperate for food and willing to take the punishment the bees will inflict. So this is all about keeping balance for things to be in order and to serve the greater good.