DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsYou have criticized the schools as being essentially “prisons for the young,” and the widely used distance learning imposed by pandemic lockdowns as being “a simulation of a simulation” because academic education is so removed from relevance to real life. There is an increase in child suicides and growing reports of childhood misery and depression while under lockdown. We have not asked about the possible role of subliminal programming going on to target the young. What can you tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
In the same way that the lockdowns are being promoted through mind control manipulation of government officials to cause economic damage and personal suffering, they are reinforcing every aspect that is unpleasant about government suppression, in the guise of public health measures, that adds harm to individuals. This includes the widespread resistance of teachers to return to the classroom and the avid support of their union representatives going to bat for them to allow them to stay home while being paid. To be sure, doing distance learning and coming up with the various additional details and approaches for that particular medium, involves some additional work. There are many opportunities for decline in quality and stopgap measures being seen. It is just an inevitable consequence that much more than that cannot be expected under the current trying circumstances, and so forth, when the subconscious programming predisposes those involved to think they are doing their best and no greater effort is needed and that the students are lucky to get what they are getting. There is an inculcation of complacency involved that will represent great inertia working against making improvements. If there were strong interest to do so, along with political backing, the educational institutions could be motivated, under normal circumstances, to make heroic efforts to devise a truly effective distance learning program, that in many ways could end up outshining the normal school experience. Much of the latter involves disciplinary problems and the distractions caused by fellow students disrupting things and being a source of emotional pressures on their peers, and the dynamic of a personal vulnerability in dealing with an adult authority figure in front of a group of peers who might well laugh at them or at least think ill of them if they failed to make a good showing, and so on. Almost daily, such confrontations occur, and if not done and experienced by each of the students, all will be witnessing such encounters and identify strongly with the hapless victim and will be traumatized simply through witnessing this. But as we set out in our discussion about the effectiveness of distance learning to begin with, it is an additional challenge to mount this for two reasons: the first being there is an art to creating a remote experience that is engaging and inspiring and motivates the pupils to interact and keep them working and focused in providing content that is worth the effort. That is what works against the whole enterprise, so little of the content is worth learning to begin with, and there is a lack of cleverness in the typical approaches used to engage the students’ curiosity and actual personal desire to make an investment in wanting to learn what the teaching is offering them. If people put their minds to this and there were not the usual barriers of turf considerations and the institutional attitudes in being separate and above the parents and students they are meant to serve, there could be a consortium to find the best of the best communicators and curricula that would create an outstanding distance learning program for K-12 classrooms that could be used by homeschoolers as well, and keep things in parallel for those who are unable to attend a physical school setting for any number of reasons. Such a program would serve in circumstances such as this, and these can arise again, through local natural disasters where there is a disruption of local infrastructure for an extended period, so there is a way to maintain continuity. This could further teach the teachers how to do things better, even if they are induced to imitate teaching programs that are canned but done by superior teachers with great communication gifts and a very careful thought to what is the very best way to engage young minds and inspire them to excellence, and a desire for and attitude of scholarship, in their learning experience. We would suggest you do not hold your breath in waiting for this idea to blossom and spread, because the school system as an industry and as a powerful institution was created in the first place to harm, rather than help, but do so in a clever way through the guise of helping. That is why it is destined to remain dysfunctional until the interlopers withdraw. One can still make the attempt to provide feedback, it is just we are not optimistic of this having much impact under the current conditions. In addition to the institutional dysfunction, leaving students in the lurch, wanting them to submit to the school experience remotely under conditions where they do not have the taskmaster discipline of the teacher in a captive setting where students have to be in the teacher’s room for the assigned length of time, except with special permission, getting student cooperation and an effective learning experience under conditions that are widely variable in how often the students take part, whether they are truly listening for the duration and applying themselves diligently when they are in an environment where they are used to being free-roaming much of the time, is a built-in liability in wanting the young to suddenly take on a burden demanded by adults but little adapted to how children think and feel. In addition to these inherent complications and obstacles, there is heavy programming of young people using mind control manipulation. And this is part of the program to ramp up fear about the pandemic, its reach, and consequences. People will vary in the level of its severity in undermining them emotionally. The children are not immune and, in fact, are more vulnerable because they lack adult perspectives. It is all new for them, and when they see even their parents worrying and being limited by this menace, it will be much more fearful for them in not having any way to process how severe the consequences might be and how ugly things might get. So you can be sure that much of the negative consequences reported about children staying home during the lockdown will be a consequence of the mind control manipulation as much as the unnatural social isolation and greater likelihood of unpleasant conflicts with parents and siblings thrust together with no relief. Keep in mind that family dynamics are uneven because the interlopers make it so. This is simply another aspect they can further exploit. The greater the time with the family group, the more that subliminal programming about abnormal family dynamics can be ingrained and reinforced to keep everyone miserable and off-balance, expecting ill-treatment, while this very same goal is being promoted as well. They work both sides of an argument, to create both perpetrators and victims. So, by turns, individual family members will try on these roles and be sucked in to worsening of the interpersonal relationships and all the dark consequences that follow.