DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolOur student continues about her experience using the Lightworker Healing Protocol on others for spiritual healing: “Some are worse – my son – who was my primary motivation to go down this path – has difficulty passing his courses despite being bright and motivated, and thus staying in college despite his best efforts. He has gained weight, is stressed out, and doesn’t know what to do anymore. I do the Protocol on him fairly often, as well as his instructors, his classrooms, his residence, etc., to remove anything negative that could have an effect. I feel I am at a loss to help him. Doing the Protocol is a way to heal humanity. How can I contribute to that when I can’t seem to heal or help myself and those close to me? I am wondering if there is something creepy or lacking in me to have this dismal outcome or am I expecting too much, too soon?” What can we tell her?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
Although a simplistic explanation, "expecting too much, too soon," fits the current situation as far as it goes, but with great accuracy. Just because your son seems like a young person from your perspective as an older adult, the karma that has created this dilemma is of long-standing and has been accumulated from multiple lifetimes of difficulty coalescing into the current life experience in a way to cause him great difficulty in moving forward. You are doing great healing for him. It is that, as we have explained, his issues are not only of long-standing but have roots far beyond the current lifetime manifesting in the current struggle and this will not be quickly changed through any kind of intervention including one by the Almighty. Keep in mind, again, you are not doing the healing, you are doing requests for the healing to be conducted on his behalf at your request, so you are an essential part of the process, for without you nothing can take place. Only if he were to reach out independently on his own and with conviction, high belief quotient, and belief in himself, would that happen. He needs you to be an essential bridge to the light. You are filling that role beautifully because of your loving concern and your interest and willingness to engage with this fine tool on his behalf and create in each session you do an essential healing circuit to be the conduit for love energy to flow to him to bring about potential changes. This will not always be apparent for the reasons we have discussed previously. The size of the problem is what is delaying things, not any inadequacy on your part. You are helping. You are seeing a holding action here and that is the lesser of evils. He would likely have crashed and burned left on his own with no help from you reaching out to the divine realm on his behalf. Whether you will be successful in keeping him in school remains to be seen, but that will not be the worst of outcomes should he fail to remain a student at this point in time. What matters is the safeguarding of his soul—keeping him safe from serious further corruption. He will need continued Protocol work. Some of that will be on autopilot as a result of the work you have done heretofore and because that is being done does not mean your further work has no value. As we have explained previously for the benefit of the practitioner community, each time you do an actual session there will be added energy so that all of the repetitions will be done with greater strength and power because you have added further intention to the exercise. That will draw in further intention of others pooling their efforts similarly so the amplification is not a minor benefit. So what we are saying is you are doing fine and to keep going. The work will grow in value, in strength, and of intensity and corresponding benefit. That still does not mean it will be a quick journey to all that you desire to see happen. It will simply mean that you are doing the best that is physically possible for a human being to do. That is all anyone can ask of you or you to ask of yourself. You will have much in the way of karmic blessings from taking this on and being steadfast as you have been. It is most unfortunate for an individual with dedication and a desire to serve to draw the false conclusion that their efforts have been worthless and irrelevant and they lack the wherewithal for the task at hand and simply give up and do nothing further. It would be a tragic loss of someone who is worthy, who is of benefit to many others, and whose work is of high caliber. You can undermine this through your negativity if you choose to do so because everything the divine realm does at your request will depend on your level of intention for its success and thoroughness and accuracy and the desired result as well. If the desire for improvement is heartfelt, sincere, and keenly wanted, the divine realm is empowered to do its utmost. If there is a cavalier and token level of focus on a client session, the divine realm becomes disempowered compared to the former set of circumstances and must give only a modest and perhaps token level of effort and involvement and the results will be lessened accordingly. We understand it is difficult for practitioners seeing uneven results as a routine to maintain a high level of commitment and expectation, but we are not saying you must be hyperzealous in every second of every session, expecting miracles at every turn. There is a happy medium. If a miracle is possible it will be granted as long as you are making a sincere effort and the conditions are right—all of which are beyond your control in any event. If you stick with the program and do your part with a sincere effort, that is all anyone can ask of you and it will be of benefit. You will just not know in advance to what degree it will be apparent to the recipient or to you with incomplete feedback especially. This is always one of the frustrating aspects for the practitioners, that they will get fragmentary information as a consequence of the nature of this undertaking as much as anything but, given the uncertainties for all the reasons we have discussed with you, there will not be a uniform or anything close to a uniform perception of great value for the clients. It is up to the practitioner to have an artful approach to not overpromise immediate success, that miracles are there for the asking because this is God involved after all, and one expects no less from such a powerful source. But this, as we have explained, is a naïve perspective because humans are in charge of their world and not the divine, so what the humans decide will be the more powerful determining factor by far than what Creator might want to see happen but is often prevented from changing the outcomes underway. You are doing fine and if you will continue with the work, as you have done it thus far, you will help many people. The level of reward you will receive will be experienced later as karmic blessings and more likely in the light and the future chapter yet to unfold for humanity than will be the case as a physical being here with the level of awareness of the current human population and the nature of the difficulties requiring long-term healing and support to turn things around to make the divine human project fully successful for this stage.