DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerYou have told us that the disciples of Jesus were basically instructed to heal people through a prayerful outreach to the Almighty, but lacked the comprehensiveness and specificity of the Lightworker Healing Protocol and its many powerful components. What was the success rate of the disciples of Jesus in doing healing for people’s maladies, as mentioned in the Bible?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
They were not given special powers beyond what was allowed through their level of belief and desire through their strong intention to see a benefit from the healing effort in each human they met who was in need. As with current healing with the Protocol, the people showing immediate benefits were more likely to have been impaired by spirit possession and manipulation than by deep and complicated karmic issues because those take much longer to see results. In addition to which, they did not make requests routinely for work to be ongoing and to encompass the issues of the looping of time to invoke healing across time domains, so their efforts were modest at best compared to what a modern practitioner of the Lightworker Healing Protocol can accomplish. But, as with modern workers, they saw enough changes they became convinced of the reality and value of a divine outreach. They were also tutored in this reality that miracles are not available for the asking 100% of the time, so they were primed with modest expectations to begin with and when they were able to help a number of people, were thrilled, and this was quite sufficient to convince them that the teachings they were given were accurate and truthful.