DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlShe asks: “If child welfare steps in and DOES take action to remove her from her father now, is it possible that she could still be dropped from the targeted list? I’ve been praying for that specifically.”
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
That goal is the hardest thing to achieve, to render her neutral in the eyes of the interlopers, but it is the ultimate best consequence and strategy we can work towards because it will remove the major difficulty here—the fact there are strong forces working against her directly, that are unseen but powerful in their influence, potentially on anyone who is in a position to cause damage to your daughter. We will have to see how things proceed, so we see this as still being in flux, and it will not serve you to make any kind of prediction that is only provisional at best due to the level of uncertainty we are dealing with here. What is needed is for everyone to keep going, to do their best to bring about what is right, what is just, and to stay strong and do everything needed to be helpful, and not give the opposition reason to blame you or your daughter for something that might happen that is misinterpreted and seen as calling for a backlash.