DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divinely Inspired MessengersOn my trip this winter to a warmer climate, the day I arrived, there was a frog croaking in a creek right beside the condo rental as I unloaded the car. It was mesmerizing, and sounded more like a conversation than repetitive croaking I am used to hearing from bullfrogs. My wife heard it, too. We stayed there for a month, but never heard it again, only an occasional, repetitive, normal croaking typical of frogs. Was what we heard truly of an unusual origin?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago
You saw this intuitively, that something unusual was taking place. It was not simply you were in a different area of the country, with local species of frogs you were unfamiliar with and how they sound, this was a repeat performance, for your benefit, just like the day you were walking your dog and a bird alighted on a low tree branch very close to you and began singing in the most delightful way, and was so striking you went hunting again and again to find out what kind of bird that was, in listening to hundreds of birdcalls, wanting to get a recording to use as a ringtone on your phone, but failed to find it. You learned later via channeling that was a divine intervention, by an angel entering the bird and using its song-making capability to literally sing to you something special and unique that you would know intuitively was exceptional and must be for a reason, and that is why you wanted to capture it and relive it. This was a reprise of that event; knowing you would be close to that creek, an angel gave a repeat performance by entering that frog's energy and vocalized a conversation to you; it was still in "frog speak" and not human language but had all of the rhythm, intonation, and inflection of human speech and you sensed this keenly as a conversation, or at least one end of a conversation, you were hearing. This was a "Hello from Heaven!" as a kind of reward for you embarking on a short vacation for retooling and a tangible reminder of your partnership with us, that we are ever-present in your life and always there for you.