DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessA client asks: “Are my recent dreams of caring for infants connected to being used by extraterrestrials to care for hybrid young, and if so, is this ongoing or stirred up from the past events? Are my recent panic attacks connected to recent interactions with ETs?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
These dreams are indeed related to past experiences. The inner awareness is bubbling up from within because of your intuitive reach and ability even though the memories have been suppressed with respect to easy access. Most people have no such awarenesses. In this case, it is a kind of confirmation of your history even though they may be unpleasant, and certainly it is not pleasurable to have been a part of such doings, and to have this corroboration makes it an important issue that can’t be simply dismissed through skepticism, but that is to the good because there has been a need for healing and this has been launched on your behalf. So the pain of knowing the truth is a lesser evil than being in ignorance and suffering consequences of inner turmoil that may take a toll on the body anyway. In this case, your knowledge of your history is helping you find the answers you need to help things. That is a true blessing. The reason for the concern and the panic attacks is that they have checked in on you through talking with your deep subconscious and that is what has set off the alarm bells here. You have not been abducted or manipulated further in any respect. Such a check-in to see how things are going is routine. They touch base with all former recruits to get a status check and be sure they are following their programming. There is nothing you need to fear here. They have not been stirred up in any way with concern about you necessitating anything more stringent or invasive in follow up. So that is all to the good other than the fact you have had a direct reminder of prior unpleasantness, but that is the point of their touching base, to remind you that you are there to serve them and the implied threats you have been programmed to fear that will naturally stir the pot and create misgivings internally, especially when you are able to connect better than most people with the deep issues going on.