DWQA QuestionsCategory: Healing ModalitiesA client asks: “I’m running into a bit of a roadblock with the Klonopin medication I’ve been on. I feel like I’m between a rock and a hard place here. My doctors recommend using a different medication, but I don’t see how that would change anything for the better. The best I have been able to come up with is to slow down my attempts to wean off of this, keep using the Lightworker Healing Protocol as much as possible, along with healthy meds such as CBD and good diet and exercise; and some helpful supplements I purchase from the Kryon group. I hate to say it, but possibly use some pot very judiciously to help sleep once in a while. My main concern is leaving myself vulnerable to attacks. However, I don’t know how effective my LHPs are anymore, considering how long I’ve allowed this struggle to go on. I know this is bordering on what GetWisdom can and can’t offer. But any advice or suggestions would be most welcome. I’m just hoping to come up with a feasible plan with some help from the Divine.” What can we tell him?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Your LHP sessions are of value. Do not confuse how you interpret their effectiveness or lack of effectiveness with the fact you still suffer. Keep in mind you are subject to many, many negative karmic influences as yet unhealed. This is a work in progress, as well as the possibility of periodic manipulations by the interlopers directly, not all of which we can deflect completely to keep you isolated and protected from any negativity. We do the best we can, given the energies we have to work with, the rules of engagement we must stay within, in balancing the karmic forces and what they mandate. Until healing is far along, there will likely continue to be inner distress. This is just the nature of having been roughed up by life and many prior lifetimes, given little relief because any possibility of effective healing was simply not possible. This is true for most human beings alive today. You have the tools available to you now, but are having to make up for lost time, so take heart that what you are doing is helping, it is working, you do have power within to invoke divine support and healing, guidance, inner inspiration and upliftment, as well as protection. These are not absolute or the maximum possible, but is the case with all human beings constrained by who you have become and the energetics of your soul expression, the influences of your consciousness playing out in the current incarnation, and so on. But despite your misgivings, you are doing well under the circumstances and things will continue to improve if you hang in there and remain steadfast—things are working better than they seem. As we have told you before, the symptoms are the last to leave while healing is underway; it won’t be very noticeable. You can ask for help to augment your level of belief and is a part of Creator’s Recommended Prayers, to be done on your behalf, and that is a useful adjunct in the meantime. The medication issue is what it is; it is a holding action, a kind of band-aid, but we understand given your emotional state you derive benefit from the ability of such drugs to mask the inner turmoil, and that can be a blessing given the painful nature of what you suffer, without some kind of support like you are taking currently. There is no shame in this; it is not a sign of weakness or a failure to be reaching out in this way for assistance. There are many who are benefitted by these kinds of agents and we would never recommend avoiding something that could bring benefit and relief, if only as an adjunct and a masking of the inner turmoil. There is nothing to be gained in experiencing the pain full force. What you can do to temper those energies while the healing work is ongoing will be a blessing. Dealing with the unavoidable side effects at some level of exposure is another matter, so you must decide, "What is the lesser of evils?" But knowing that this represents a balance between having some lessening of the inner emotional disarray versus having some suppression of other feelings as well, we cannot decide that for you. But rest assured we will do all we can to help you always, no matter what comes your way or you might bring about as your life proceeds.